귀여운 외형을 가진 희귀 문어 A Rare Octopus so Adorable It May Be Named for Its Cuteness(VIDEO)

A Rare Octopus so Adorable It May Be Named for Its Cuteness

저 깊은 바닷속에는 수많은 신비스러운 심해어들이 산다.

이 자그마한 문어는 귀엽기까지 하다.

분류학적으로 'Opistoteuthis genus'에 속하는데 신기할 정도의 

외형을 가지고 있다.

한 생물학자는 이 신비한 문어를 'Opisthoteuthis Adorabilis' 라고 

명명해야 한다고까지 주장한다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Jenny Zhang 

Out of all the mysterious creatures who call the deep sea their home, this little octopus may be the cutest! The rare specimen, who belongs to the Opistoteuthis genus, may even be named for its adorable appearance, according to researchers who are studying it. "As someone that's describing the species you get to pick what the specific name is," Stephanie Bush, postdoctoral fellow at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, told Science Friday. "One of the thoughts I had was making it Opisthoteuthis Adorabilis—because they're really cute."

Bush has been studying the cephalopod by examining dissected specimens as well as eggs. Scientists have collected and observed the species since 1990, but little is known about the gelatinous creature besides its distinctive webbing between the tentacles, its parachute-like floating motion in the water, and—of course—how very squishy and cute it is!

Science Friday: Website | YouTube
via [Daily DotNeatorama]

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