글로벌 신재생회사 메인스트림, 4억7천만 불 남아공 신재생 프로젝트 수주 Mainstream awarded 250MW of wind energy projects in South Africa(VIDEO)

세계 최대 규모

2011년 이후 남아공 신재생에너지 프로그램 수행해 

The 138MW Jeffreys Bay Wind Farm in South Africa commenced commercial operation last year

작년에 완공된 상업운영 중이 남아공 풍력단지 1차 프로그램


*메인스트림 신재생에너지사 Mainstream Renewable Power

Mainstream Renewable Power는 세계 굴지의 독자적인 재생에너지 프로젝트 개발업체 중 하나다. 

전 세계적으로 17,000MW가 넘는 개발 파이프라인을 보유한 Mainstream은 현재 아일랜드, 남아프

리카공화국, 칠레 및 캐나다에서 태양열과 풍력기지를 운영 및 건설 중이다.

회사 지점은 베를린, 케이프 타운, 시카고, 더블린, 글래스고, 요하네스버그, 런던 및 산티아고에 위치

하고 있다.


edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


Scroll Down for VIDEO

   글로벌 신재생에너지사 메인스트림 컨소시엄은 오늘 남아공 정부로부터 250MW 용량의 2개의 대단위 신재생 에너지 프로젝트의 우선입찰자 자격을 획득됐다. 

이번 프로젝트는 남아공 정부의 신재생에너지 4차프로그램이며 2개소의 풍력발전시설을 건설하는 4억6천9백만불의 대규모 프로젝트다.

메인스트림은 2011년 이후 남아공 신재생에너지 프로그램에 참여하여 총 848MW에 달하는 프로젝트를 수주해왔다. 

현재 남아공 케이프 북부지역에 3차프로그램인 360MW 용량의 풍력단지 3개소를 건설 중이며 작년에는 1차 프로그램인 3개소의 풍력단지와 태양광 시설을 완공하여 상업 운용에 들어갔다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터


Mainstream awarded 250MW of wind energy projects in South 

Africa Government tender


By MRP on June 8, 2015 in Corporate news 

A consortium led by global wind and solar company Mainstream Renewable Power was today awarded Preferred Bidder status by the Department of Energy in South Africa for two large-scale wind energy projects with a total generation capacity of 250 megawatts. The award was made under the fourth round of the South African Government’s Renewable Energy Procurement Programme and the two wind farms represent an investment of approximately USD469 million. The date for financial close has not yet been released by the Department of Energy.

Mainstream has been awarded a total of 848 megawatts of wind and solar projects under this programme since the first award in 2011, which is more than any other developer. In addition to the projects awarded today Mainstream is currently constructing three wind farms in South Africa’s Northern Cape, totalling 360MW, which it was awarded under Round 3 of the programme.  Last year the company delivered three wind and solar facilities into commercial operation in South Africa under the first round of the programme.

Commenting on the announcement Mainstream’s Barry Lynch, Managing Director Onshore Procurement, Construction and Operations said: “Mainstream is delighted that the South African Government has, once again, placed its trust in us to deliver more large-scale renewable power plant into commercial operation. Here in South Africa we have already demonstrated this capability by delivering three world-class wind and solar farms into commercial operation safely, on time and on budget last year and we currently have a further three wind farms under construction in the Northern Cape.

He continued: “Renewable energy ticks three important boxes for South Africa’s energy needs. Firstly, the cost of these projects is now cheaper than new coal-fired generation. Secondly, they can be brought into commercial operation at the speed required and thirdly, they meet the scale needed to address the country’s growing electricity demand. Mainstream is once again delighted to be able to play a leading role South Africa’s burgeoning renewable energy sector.

The projects awarded under this round are:

•140MW Kangnas Wind Farm located in the Nama Khoi Municipality in the Northern Cape.

•110MW Perdekraal East Wind Farm located in the Cape Winelands District and Witzenberg Local Municipalities of the Western Cape.


edited by kcontents

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