세발 자전거 타는 강아지 Bedlington terrier becomes a cycling star after learning to ride downhill on child's tricycle(VIDEO)

It's Bradley Waggins! Bedlington terrier becomes a cycling star after learning to ride downhill on child's tricycle

Barry the three-year-old Bedlington terrier rides his child's tricycle downhill in the Cumbrian countryside

Barry started on skateboards and enjoyed being pushed by his owners

The three-year-old spotted the tricycle and before long was riding that too

But Barry hasn’t yet learnt to pedal himself, which is his next challenge

Instead, he keeps his position and balance to roll downhill and along paths 

배리는 원래 주인이 밀어주는 스케이트보드부터 배우기 시작했다.

올해 3살인 베들링턴 테리어는 세발자전거도 오래전부터 타기 시작했다. 

아직 페달은 밟지 못하지만 굴곡진 도로에서도 멋지게 균형을 잡는다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터


He sits perfectly poised with paws on the handlebars and a glint in his eye.

There’s nothing Barry the Bedlington terrier enjoys more than a bicycle ride in the countryside.

Some dogs get their thrills by chasing and fetching a ball, but as far as Barry is concerned you can’t beat the fun of riding downhill on a child’s trike.

The three-year-old pet started by playing on skateboards and enjoyed being pushed by owners Wayne Sowerby and Kate Hayllar.

Scroll down for video

Barry, pictured with his owners Wayne Sowerby and fiancee Kate Hayllar, also loves their running machine

Barry, pictured with his owners Wayne Sowerby and fiancee Kate Hayllar, also loves their running machine

Barry has not yet learnt to pedal himself, but that is probably the three-year-old's  next challenge

edited by kcontents

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