사람의 감성이 느껴지는 동물 사진 Expressive Portraits of Animals Reflect Powerful "Human" Emotions
벨기에의 사진작가 '빈센트 레그랑게'
그는 지금 '동물에 대한 영원한 사랑'이라는 테마로 '휴먼애니멀'이라는 작품을 만들고 있다.
색을 변화시키며 여러가지 기법을 동원하여 동물들의 독특한 모습들 찍고 있다.
그는 말한다.
"오늘날 사진은 모두 사람에 대한 것들이다. 동물에 대한 것은 별로 없다. 나는 작품에서
동물에게서 인간적인 모습을 찾으려고 노력하고 있다" 라고 디자인잡지 사이트인 Yatzer에 설명한다.
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor @conpaper
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Posted by Anna Gragert
Belgian photographer Vincent Legrange is currently working on an ongoing project that is inspired by his undying love for animals. Human Animal is a series of portraits that displays both domestic pets and wild animals. Each image is refined and solemn, focusing on the animals' unique features in understated tones and colors. ‘‘Today most people photograph just people, but only a few photograph animals," explained Legrange to Yatzer. "I tried to photograph the animals as humans, depicting their emotion and human-like characteristics in a sombre way.’’
Behind the scenes of each expressive image, photographing the animals was no easy task for the animal lover. They were constantly moving around, so he had to repeatedly rearrange his props and lights to accommodate their ever-changing positions. Despite these difficulties, many of the portraits appear peaceful and calm, making viewers believe that the cats, dogs, reptiles, and birds are having a moment of inner reflection.
Vincent Legrange's Website
via [Yatzer]
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