일본 오가사와라(小笠原)제도 인근 8.5강진 발생...어제 화산 폭발에 이어 M8.5 earthquake strikes near Ogasawara islands(VIDEO)

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Ogasawara Islands Earthquake M8.5
30일 발생한 일본 오가사와라(小笠原)제도 인근  8.5의 강진이다. 기상청 홈페이지 캡처

29일 발생한 가고시마 남단 구치노에라부지마(口永良部島) 화산폭발

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


  30일 오후 8시 24분께 일본 도쿄도(東京都) 남부의 북태평양에 있는 오가사와라(小笠原)제도 인근에서 규모 8.5(추정치)의 강한 지진이 발생했다. 

일본 기상청에 따르면 진원지는 도쿄에서 874㎞ 떨어진 오가사와라제도 서쪽 바다의 북위 27.9도, 동경 140.8도 지점이며 진원의 깊이는 약 590㎞로 추정된다.

오가사와라제도의 하하지마(母島)에서 진도 5를 약간 넘는 수준의 흔들림이 관측됐으며 도쿄에서는 진도 4를 기록해 도심의 주요 건물에서도 강한 진동이 느껴지는 수준이었다. 

기상청은 이번 지진으로 쓰나미(지진해일)가 발생할 우려는 없다고 밝혔다

허핑턴포스트 코리아

M8.5 earthquake strikes near Ogasawara islands



An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.5 struck near the Ogasawara islands at 8:24 p.m. Saturday. The Japan Meteorological Agency said there was no danger of a tsunami.

The quake struck at a depth of 590 kilometers near the Ogasawaras which are 1,000 kilometers south of Tokyo.  

The strong quake shook buildings in Tokyo for about a minute. Both runways at Narita Airport were temporarily closed while inspections were carried out. Trains in Tokyo were also temporarily halted and shinkansen train services between Tokyo and Osaka were halted due to a power outage, NHK said. A soccer match in Tokyo was also briefly suspended. 

The quake had an intensity of 5 in the Ogasawaras, a 4 in Tokyo’s 23 wards as well as Ibaraki, Saitama, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba and Kanagawa prefectures. It measured 3 in the Tohoku region and 2 in parts of Hokkaido.

Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) said there were no further irregularities at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, damaged four years ago in a massive 9.0 magnitude quake, or any other nuclear facilities.

There were no immediate reports of significant damage or injuries, though the Tokyo Fire Department had received calls of people suffering injuries through falls, NHK national television said.

In Chiba, just east of Tokyo, loudspeaker broadcasts called on people to remain calm, but there were no reports of damage.

“Since it was magnitude 8.5 this was a very big quake, but fortunately it was very deep at 590 km,” Naoki Hirata, an earthquake expert at the University of Tokyo’s Earthquake Research Centre, told NHK. “But the shaking was felt over a broad area… Fortunately, because it was deep, there is little danger of a tsunami.”


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