독일, 복복선철도사업(Freilassing – Salzburg ) 추진 동향 Work begins on Freilassing – Salzburg expansion

5천 4백만 유로 규모

교량공사 포함

SOURCE railjournal.com

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


  최근 독일 교통디지털인프라부 장관은 프라이라싱(Freilassing)역과 Salzburg Liefering 지역을 연결하는 복복선철도를 건설하겠다는 입장을 밝혔다.

총 사업비 5천 4백만 유로(미화 6천 1백만불)이 소요되는 이번 사업은 독일과 오스트리아 국경에 위치한 잘아흐 강(Saalach River)을 가로지르는 단선철도 교량 공사 등이 포함되어 있다.

동 철도는 2017년 개통을 목표로 하고 있다. 

출처 : International Railway Journal(2015.5.15)


Work begins on Freilassing – Salzburg expansion


by  Keith Barrow 

GERMAN federal minister for transport and digital infrastructure Mr Alexander Dobrindt attended a groundbreaking ceremony in the Bavarian town of Freilassing on May 11 to officially launch construction of a third track on the line to Salzburg.

The €54m project includes the construction of 1.6km of additional track between Freilassing station and Salzburg Liefering, a new island platform for S-Bahn services at Freilassing, and a new single-track bridge across the Saalach River, which marks the border between Germany and Austria.

The third track will enable the expansion of Salzburg S-Bahn Line S2 and S3 services from 2017 to provide a 15-minute frequency between Salzburg and Freilassing, compared with half-hourly at present, and will also segregate S-Bahn services from long-distance and freight trains. The project is also important to the planned upgrading of the 147km Munich – Mühldorf – Freilassing line, providing capacity for the extension of services on this route to Salzburg.


edited by kcontents

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