세계 어디서나 살 수 있는 에코캡슐 주거공간 Solar-Powered Ecocapsule Allows You to Live Off the Grid Anywhere in the World
슬로바키아의 나이스건축회사는 에코캡슐에 대한 여러가지 흥미있는
사항들을 공개했다.
에코 캡슐은 태양열로 전기를 공급하고 우수 재활용으로 식수도 해결하는
세계 어디서나 살 수 있는 주거 환경을 제공한다.
이 캡슐은 원형 형태로 되어있어 다루기 쉽고 이동하기도 용이해 연구센터나
여행자 숙소 비상시 대피소 등 다용도로 활용될 수 있다.
크기는 길이가 4.3m 폭이 2.3m 높이가 2.4m로 두명의 성인이 편하게 지낼 수
있게 되어 있으며 호텔 같은 럭셔리 시설 등도 구비되어 있다.
빌트인 부엌, 냉난방시설, 화장실, 뜨거운 목욕물 공급 등 일반 집에서 처럼 생활
하는 데 전혀 불편함이 없도록 되어 있다.
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor @conpaper
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Posted by Anna Gragert
Slovakia's Nice Architects recently revealed several exciting details about the Ecocapsule that will give you the opportunity to live anywhere in the world. Ecocapsule is a micro-shelter that operates off-grid by using sustainable technology such as solar power, rainwater collection and filtration, and wind power. In addition to this environmentally friendly aspect, the structure allows for worldwide flexibility and portability, since it can be easily transported and used as an independent research station, a tourist lodge, an emergency house, or even as a humanitarian-action unit.
Despite measuring only 14.6 feet in length, 7.9 feet in width, and 8.2 feet in height, the Ecocapsule can comfortably fit two adults and provide the same luxuries as a hotel room. A built-in kitchenette, running water, a flushing toilet, and a hot shower are now comforts that can be taken into the wilderness. For those that want to use this egg-shaped structure for scientific research, there is plenty of storage space for equipment and any necessary technology. When transporting this capsule, no special preparations are needed, since it can be shipped, airlifted, or even pulled by an animal.
On May 28th, the Ecocapsule will be unveiled at the Pioneers Festival in Vienna and more details will be released then. By the end of this year, this innovative structure will be made available for purchase.
Ecocapsule Website
Nice Architects' Website
Pioneers Festival Website
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