비를 피해 '꽃 우산' 쓴 개구리 It must be raining cats and FROGS! Amazing pictures capture amphibians using flowers..

It must be raining cats and FROGS! 

Amazing pictures capture amphibians using flowers as umbrellas to keep dry in a downpour

Taking cover: This quick-thinking frog came up with a novel way of staying dry in showers by holding a flower over them like an umbrella

비가 억수로 쏟아짐에 틀림없다.

마치 우산을 쓴 것 같은 꽃 아래로 피신(?)한 개구리 

꽃색과 개구리의 청색이 신비할 정도로 오묘한 조화를 이룬다.

사진작가 '아자르 세티아디'가 인도네시아 자카르타에서 찰나의 순간을 캡처했다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

If you're caught unprepared when the heavens open, it’s often a good idea to run for cover.

But this pair of quick-thinking frogs came up with a novel way of staying dry in showers by holding a flower over them like an umbrella.

The amphibians were so determined to stay out of the rain that they climbed up the gerbera stalks so their bodies were under the petals.

Photographer Ajar Setiadi captured the moment two dumpy tree frogs climbed the flowers in his back garden in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The 47-year-old said: ‘I was playing with my frogs at the time and then it started showering quite a bit.

‘The frogs managed to jump from one flower to another and hold it above their heads so that they did not get wet.

‘I couldn't not take a picture because it was such a brilliant moment. I found it funny that they had done all of this to stay dry.’ 

The frogs were determined to stay out of the rain
They climbed up the gerbera stalks so their bodies were underneath the petals

Frog's life: They were so determined to stay out of the rain that they climbed up the gerbera stalks so their bodies were underneath the petals

Photographer Ajar Setiadi captured the moment
Two dumpy tree frogs climbed the flowers in the man's back garden in Jakarta, Indonesia

In the rain: Photographer Ajar Setiadi captured the moment two dumpy tree frogs climbed the flowers in his back garden in Jakarta, Indonesia

Mr Setiadi said he had been playing with his frogs
The photographer said it 'started showering quite a bit'

Capturing the moment: Mr Setiadi said he had been playing with his frogs at the time and then it 'started showering quite a bit'

Comical moment: The 47-year-old photographer said he 'found it funny that they had done all of this to stay dry'

Comical moment: The 47-year-old photographer said he 'found it funny that they had done all of this to stay dry'


edited by kcontents

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