세계최고의 열차 여행코스 5선 The Best Railways in the World - Top 5 Luxury Trains(VIDEO)

The Best Railways in the World
There is something romantic about traveling by train. Whether it is watching the countryside roll by out the window, enjoying a new book from the comfort of your cabin or making conversation with a new friend in the dining car, trains provide opportunities for a unique travel experience. It might not be the fastest route to your destination, but there are few better ways to see a country, region or continent, and there is nothing quite like crossing unknown territory with a cast of intriguing characters — no wonder there are so many movies about it. GAYOT's list of the Top 5 Luxury Trains contains exciting excursions on five different continents. From breathtaking adventures through the Indian subcontinent to treks across the untouched Canadian Rockies these trips are sure to mesmerize even the most seasoned traveler.

세계 최고의 럭셔리 열차
기차 여행 중 제일 관심이 가는 부분은 좋은 음악을 들으며 멋진 창 밖의 
경관을 보는 것이다.

그리고 편안한 좌석과 잠자리 맛좋은 식당 등등
여기 대륙별 최고의 열차 여행을 할 수 있는 코스 5곳을 소개합니다.


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