파리 해방 '과거와 현재' Famous Landmarks in Paris Recreated Using Historic Images from World War II


프랑스 사진작가 줄리안 크네즈(Julien Knez)는 나치로부터 파리가 해방된 지 

71번째 되던 해를 기념하기 위해 모아온 1940년대 흑백사진을 오버랩기법을 

사용하여 새롭게 만들었다.

70여 년 전과 현재의 같은 장소 풍경이 묘하게 어우러지는 모습.

잘 변하지 않는 도시 파리답게, 이물감 없이 겹쳐지는 옛 사진과 실제 풍경이 

기묘한 감상을 불러일으킨다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Anna Gragert

Artist Julien Knez spent two months touring Paris to figure out how much the famous city has changed since World War II. During August of 1944, the Liberation of Paris was fought, freeing Parisians from Nazi Germany's oppressive control. After collecting vintage photographs of this momentous battle, Knez decided to visit the locations that were captured in the historic images. At each location, the artist tried to imitate the exact angle that was shown in his photos, so he could recreate the snapshot in front of its modern day counterpart. "It was very intense to imagine the fights in the streets I know as a Parisian," stated Knez to The Washington Post

By taking images that were captured 71 years ago and reproducing them, the Parisian photographer was able to see the complex emotional history behind every location and landmark. Where a battle was once fought, there now stands a bookstore. General Charles de Gaulle and his troops marched before the now serene Arc de Triomphe. In each photograph, Knez gives viewers the opportunity to compare side-by-side versions of the past and the present. 

Julien Knez's Website
via [This Isn't HappinessThe Washington Post]

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