새 깃털의 미학 Gorgeous Photos Highlight Beautiful Intricacies of Birds’ Feathers

새는 경이로우며 아름다운 창조물이다.

패션 사진작가 토마스 로어는 아름다운 새의 깃털을 근접 촬영한 

사진들을 공개했다.

예술적 가치가 있을 정도로 다양한 색과 형태로 구성된 이 작품은 

'새'라는 시리즈로 발표됐다.


by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Sara Barnes

As we’ve admired many times before, birds are wondrous, beautiful creatures. And in this series titled Birds, fashion photographer Thomas Lohr shows off their gorgeous plumage. He focuses on tightly-cropped, up-close shots of feathers, and he captures a variety of colors, textures, and movements within the illustrious tufts. It’s an unusual way to look at birds, and one that blurs the line between documentation and fine art.

In some of Lohr’s photographs, it’s even unclear that we’re looking at a bird. His vantage point abstracts the feathers and they seem to resemble scales or long strands of fur. Other times, the delicate layers of quills and vanes unmistakingly belong to a bird. “My aim was to show the variety of the species and the array of plumage, so I shot a wide range instead of concentrating on particular birds,” he tells AnOther.

Lohr did some traveling for this series, and it’s now a book of the same name. He only wanted to capture portraits of living birds, so he visited different parks and menageries all over Europe. The results are photos that highlight the vast elegance of these enigmatic animals.

Thomas Lohr website
via [This Isn't Happiness and AnOther]

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