던지면 하늘을 나르며 사진을 찍어주는 로보틱카메라 Robotic Camera Drone Flies Itself to Capture Spectacular Aerial Photos(VIDEO)

그동안 우리는 손에 쥐는 카메라로 멋진 사진들을 찍어왔다.
릴리사는 최근에 공중에 던지면 날라다니며 사진과 동영상을 찍어주는 무인 카메라를 개발했다.

바로 울트라콤팩트 로보틱카메라다.
카메라를 공중에 던지면 날기시작하며 작동하며 최대속도는 시속 40km다.

GPS와 컴퓨터장치로 조합되어 있으며 손목에 차는 추적키트를 제공한다.
로보틱카메라와 추적키트 모두 방수기능이 있으며 카메라는 물위에 뜨도록 설계되어 있다.

사진해상도는 12메가픽셀(12백만화소). 동영상은 1080x720HD급 고화질을 제공한다.

2016년 2월부터 해외판매가 시작되며 가격은 999불이지만 인터넷에서 사전예약구매시는
499불에 할인 판매한다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Sara Barnes

For years, we’ve taken gorgeous photos using “point and shoot” style cameras, but the team at Lily is shaking things up. Their recent innovation of the same name takes this idea a step further with “throw and shoot” photography. Lily is an ultra-compact robotic camera drone, and it allows you to capture aerial photos and videos without having to pilot it.

To use the camera drone, you simply throw it in air and it begins shooting. Lily flies itself at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour, using a combination of GPS and computer vision to follow you around. The kit comes with a tracking device that has a wrist case.

Lily is built for photographing your outdoor adventures. It’s waterproof, floats, and can land on water. Size-wise, the drone fits easily into a backpack and weighs less than three pounds. The camera can shoot 12 megapixel still images, 1080p HD video, and 720p of slow-motion footage. Its flight time lasts 20 minutes with the built-in Lithium-Ion battery.

Interested in owning the Lily? It will start shipping in February 2016 and is priced at $999. But, until June 15, the company is taking pre-orders through its website for $499.

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