꽉 끼는 흰 진바지와 어울리는 스타일 옷은? Neutral colours, navy stripes and modest heels: The proof that women of any age or..(VIDEO)
Neutral colours, navy stripes and modest heels:
The proof that women of any age or shape can wear WHITE jeans
Very tight, very white jeans can be a nightmare but are back in fashion
But the issue is, what styles and colours should you be wearing them with?
Clover Stroud has tried and tested the best looks to go with white this year
매우 타이트하고 흰색의 진바지는 입기에 괴로울 수도 있다.
그렇지만 이 복고풍의 패션은 다시 유행하고 있다.
그러면 흰색 진바지에 어울리는 무슨 스타일과 색의 옷을 받쳐 입어야 할까?
가 고민일 것이다.
클로버 스트라우드는 올해 이 흰색의 진과 어울리는 나이와 체형에 관계없이
입을 수 있는 조합을 구성해봤다.
이런 스타일은 청결함 섹시함으로 대부분의 남자들이 좋아한다.
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor @conpaper
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
[Related VIDEO]
There’s nothing that screams high-maintenance quite as loudly as a pair of very tight, very white jeans. But love them or loathe them, they are back — and coming to a High Street near you.
It’s rather an exhausting thought for anyone whose life involves more than floating from spa to cocktails or doesn’t have the figure of Liz Hurley, the high priestess of white jeans. But with a few simple tricks, any woman can look good in them (even me, a rather messy mother-of-four).
Here’s how you can carry them off — and the cardinal sins to avoid at all costs.

Shirt, £110, Reiss.com
Necklace, £22.50 marksandspencer.com
Jeans, £39.50, marksandspencer.com
Shoes, £185, lucychoilondon.com
While head-to-toe white is difficult to pull off, white jeans do love other neutral colours. Teamed with my white jeans, the classic combination of a blush pink shirt and statement necklace looks fresh and modern. You could also try cream, muted lilac, caramel tones, eau de nil or eggshell brown. Keep shoes neutral, too, and pair with bold accessories to liven up your look.

Check shirt, £135, trilogystores.co.uk
Ripped jeans, £45, riverisland.com
Shoes, £25, marksandspencer.com
I’m not scared of sporting the odd, discreet rip in my regular denim jeans, and it’s a modern look I feel I can still, just about, pull off.
But white ripped jeans take that look in completely the wrong direction, especially as I’m 40, not 20.
My teenage son winced with embarrassment when I came down for breakfast in this outfit, and the withering look he gave me reminded me he’d rather be dead than seen out in public with me like this.
I might be able to pull it off if I was Kim Kardashian and lived in Los Angeles, but in the real world, I feel like a walking mid-life crisis — the fashion equivalent of a bloke buying a sports car to compensate for his bald spot. Don’t even think about it.

Cropped striped blazer, £49.99, zara.com
Top, £89, reiss.com
Heels, £129, reiss.com
Victoria Beckham white jeans, £210, trilogystores.co.uk
As Pippa Middleton knows, navy blue and white is a winning combination that doesn’t age and is almost always extremely flattering.
The understated layering of the boxy cropped jacket over the longer lines of the shirt gives this outfit some depth.
Teamed with my white jeans, it was a classic combination.
And, with just a hint of sex appeal, it felt great. While a blazer is the classic pairing, you could try a navy silk scarf or navy cashmere jumper.
Just steer clear of wearing red too, you’ll look like a French flag!

Shirt, £19.99, hm.com
Jeans, £20, debenhams.com
Shoes, £49.99, zara.com
There’s no doubt that pulling on a pair of white jeans makes me feel a lot more glamorous. But when I pair them with these killer heels, I’m reminded that sometimes less is more.
White jeans speak for themselves, so they really don’t need the added va-va voom of high heels. This screams try-hard and tarty, and makes me feel I’ve morphed into a middle-aged woman likely to have one too many pink cavas at a family party.

Waistcoat, £39.99, zara.com
Top, £14.99, hm.com
Shoes, £195, lucychoilondon.com
Jeans, £39.50, marksandspencer.com
Shrinking violets may think they should avoid white jeans, but the secret is picking a long-line cardigan or jacket if you’re self-conscious.
White jeans can be unflattering around the hips, but this covers them up nicely while highlighting a slim waist. Layering also works well as it breaks up the Persil-white brightness.
I was sceptical about whether I could wear white jeans to work, but the muted colours and flatteringly broken-up lines of this waistcoat and top worked well in the office.

Blouse, £195, trilogystores.co.uk
Victoria Beckham White jeans, £210, trilogystores.co.uk
Shoes, £160, lkbennett.com
Unless you have the model build of Heidi Klum or Elle Macpherson, white jeans tend to make legs look shorter. That’s why you need a slight heel — flats really do make legs look chunkier.
These understated courts strike just the right balance — and show less flesh than sandals, lowering the risk of a mutton alert.

Floral blouse, £195, trilogystores.com
Shoes, £20, debenhams.com
Jeans, £19.99, newlook.com
White jeans are painfully unforgiving, as they accentuate every lump and bump, and are best worn with smooth, skin-coloured underwear.
I’m reminded of this when I tuck my top in. The harsh cut-off line it creates is unflattering and thickens my waist.
There’s also the difficult issue of the pockets, which stick out, and the fact that the pattern on the top is almost visible under my belt line.
I feel like Hyacinth Bucket’s younger sister heading to a barbeque in the suburbs — not a look I’m keen to repeat.
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