일본컨소, 2억불 규모의 자카르타 '남북선 고속철' 시스템 및 궤도공사 수주 Railway Systems and Trackwork for North-South Line of Jakarta

15.7km, 13개 정거장으로 구성

일본 ODA론 지원

Profile of the project

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


  미쓰이 토요, 코벨코 IKPT 컨소시엄이 인도네시아 MRTJ가 발주한 2억불 규모(250억엔)의 자카르타 남북선 고속철 시스템 및 궤도공사를 수주했다.

공기는 계약 체결 후 3년 6개월이다. 완전 개통 후 2020년에는 일 41만명의 승객이 이용할 것으로 예상된다.

자카르타 남북선은 15.7km로 13개의 정거장으로 구성되어 있으며 자카르타 남부 레바블스에서 중심부 분다란호텔까지 구간으로 인도네시아의 첫 지하철이다.

일본 정부의 공적개발원조(ODA) 재원으로 건설되는 자카르타 MRT는 그간 조코 위도도대통령이 주지사 시절부터 강력하게 추진해 왔다.

앞으로 새로운 동서선이 확장될 예정이며 새로운 노선도 추가로 건설될 예정이다. 

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Mitsui, Toyo, KOBELCO and IKPT enter into Contract for 

Integrated Mass Rapid Transit System in Indonesia


  The consortium formed by Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (“Mitsui”, Head Office: Tokyo, President & CEO: Tatsuo Yasunaga), Toyo Engineering Corporation (“Toyo”, Head Office: Chiba, President & CEO: Kiyoshi Nakao), Kobe Steel, Ltd. (“KOBELCO”, Head Office: Kobe, President, CEO and Representative Director: Hiroya Kawasaki), and PT. Inti Karya Persada Tehnik (“IKPT”, Head Office: Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia, President Director — CEO: Eiji Hosoi) has been awarded a 25 billion yen contract by PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (“MRTJ”) for the integrated railway systems and trackwork for the North-South Line of the Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit system (15.7 km). MRTJ is under the umbrella of the Special Capital Territory of Jakarta. The railway will be Indonesia’s first subway line.

Mitsui assumes its role as the consortium leader, and Toyo is responsible for project management and designing and supplying the substation system, power distribution system, overhead contact system, trackwork, escalators and elevators. KOBELCO is responsible for system integration and designing and supplying the signaling system, telecommunication system, automatic fare collection system, platform screen doors system, and IKPT is responsible for the installation of all the systems and the supply of local products.

The Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit system, supported by the Japanese government with an ODA loan under the Special Terms for Economic Partnership (STEP) with MRTJ, is a project that has been strongly promoted by Indonesian president Joko Widodo since he was the governor of Jakarta, and is aimed to mitigate the traffic congestion, which has resulted from the recent rapid economic growth of the country. The project is also targeted to enhance the basic infrastructure development to improve the environment for further investment in the country. An extension of the route and construction of a new line between east and west are also planned as future expansion projects.

Each of the consortium member companies is determined to contribute to the further economic growth of Indonesia through the introduction of advanced Japanese railway technology.


edited by kcontents

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