대학 졸업을 위한 이상한 에로틱 의식 Outrage as students forced to strip naked with male professor and perform 'erotic..(VIDEO)
Outrage as students forced to strip naked with male professor and perform 'erotic gesture' by candlelight before being allowed to graduate from University of California, San Diego
A disgusted mother insists the final exam makes her 'sick to her stomach'
Professor Ricardo Dominguez says he has had no complaints in 11 year
He added that if students don't like it, they should not take the course
학생들에게 졸업시험만큼 스트레스 받는 일도 없을 것이다.
샌디에고 캘리포니아대 영상미술학과 졸업시험에서 교수가 과도한
노출행위를 요구해 논란이 되고 있다.
여학생들은 졸업을 위해서 학생들 앞에서 옷을 벗어야 했고 촛불 앞에서
에로틱 자세를 요구하는 등의 수치스러운 행위를 당했다고 한 여학생의
어머니가 주장했다.
그렇지만 리카르도 도밍구에즈 교수는 지금까지 11년간 아무도 불평한
사람이 없었다고 말한다.
또 교수는 학생들이 그것들을 즐기지 않았다면 아예 참여하지도 않았을
것이다 라고 덧붙였다.
그는 그간의 '성도착증'이라는 일각의 주장을 일축해왔다.
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor @conpaper
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
For most students, there is nothing more stressful than a final exam.
But now imagine that to pass the exam, you have to be naked in a candlelit classroom. Not only in front of your whole class, but also in front of your professor.
At the University of California, San Diego, this naked final exam <g class="gr_ gr_412 gr-alert gr_gramm Punctuation replaceWithoutSep" id="412" data-gr-id="412">is in fact</g> a course requirement for a class in the visual arts department.
But nudity isn't enough for the students of the upper-level course, as they must also perform 'a gesture that traces, outlines or speaks about your 'erotic self(s)', according to the course syllabus.
Scroll down for <g class="gr_ gr_80 gr-alert gr_gramm Grammar only-ins doubleReplace replaceWithoutSep" id="80" data-gr-id="80">video</g>...

Professor Ricardo Dominguez has defended claims that the final exam is a 'perversion', saying that he has not received a single complaint in 11 years

Students on the upper-level course must perform 'a gesture that traces, outlines or speaks about your 'erotic self(s)', according to the course syllabus (photograph posed by models)
A disgusted mother has spoken out against the requirement on local ABC News affiliate, <g class="gr_ gr_414 gr-alert gr_gramm Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="414" data-gr-id="414">KGTV</g><g class="gr_ gr_414 gr-alert gr_gramm Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="414" data-gr-id="414">,</g> after her daughter told her of the final exam.
The mother insists that the requirement is not made clear at the start of the <g class="gr_ gr_416 gr-alert gr_gramm Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="416" data-gr-id="416">course,</g> and called it a 'perversion'.
She added that the exam - during which all the students and the male professor strip naked in a candlelit classroom - made her 'sick to her stomach'.
But professor Ricardo Dominguez insists that he has not had any complaints in the 11 years he has taught the course.
'It's the standard canvas for performance art and body art,' Dominguez told local ABC News affiliate KGTV.

The University of California, San Diego, where students are told to strip naked for a final exam with the visual arts department

A mother of one of the students has spoken out against the requirement, saying it makes her 'sick to her stomach'
'It is all very controlled... If they are uncomfortable with this gesture, they should not take the class.<g class="gr_ gr_407 gr-alert gr_tiny gr_gramm Punctuation replaceWithoutSep" id="407" data-gr-id="407">'</g>
According to the course description on the faculty website, students 'use autobiography, dream, confession, fantasy or other means to invent one's self in a new way, or to evoke the variety of selves in our imagination'.
It continues: 'The course experiments with <g class="gr_ gr_395 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling" id="395" data-gr-id="395">an</g> explores the rich possibilities available to the contemporary artist in his or her own persona'.
But Dominguez is not a stranger to outrage.
Professor Dominguez insists nudity is a 'standard canvas for performance art and body art' (photograph posed by models)
He has previously been involved in a series of political projects, according to his biography on the department website, one of which saw him investigated by Congress.
The government-funded project - called the 'Transborder Immigrant Tool' - involved handing out mobile phones to prospective illegal immigrants, with instructions of how to cross the US-Mexico border.
The aim of the project, according to Dominguez's website - was to use poetry to 'dissolve' the border.
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