보디 페인터와 사진작가의 자연과의 융합 Bodypainters Beautifully Blend Human Bodies into Nature

위 사진들은 절대로 포토샵을 사용한 사진이 아니다.

보디페인터 Leonie Gené, Joerg Duesterwald는 

사진작가 Laila Pregizer, Uwe Schmida과 함께 이음매없이 

인체를 자연속에 융합시키는 공동작업을 시행했다..

모든 작업들이 현지에서 또 실제 모델들의 작품들이다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Alice Yoo 

Using absolutely no Photoshop, bodypainters Leonie Gené and Joerg Duesterwald worked with photographers Laila Pregizer and Uwe Schmida in seamlessly integrating the human body into natural landscapes. CalledMetamorphosis, the project blends naked models into everything from rock formations to curly trees, making them a beautiful extension of their environment. The body poses coupled with the artistic bodypainting magically make the models disappear into the background. The photographers are strict about not using any post processing. In fact, all pictures are taken on location and all models are painted right on the spot.

As the Model Society writes, "These remarkable images encourage us to enjoy the curves, forms and subtleties of the nude body just as we would enjoy the graceful shape of a tree, the gentle rise of hill or the abrupt angles of a rock formation."

Metamorphosis has been released as calendars in 2011, 2012 and 2013, though the project started long before that. "Since mid 2008 we have been working on a joint project which consists of taking photographs of people in all four seasons in various natural settings whose bodies have been painted so that they integrate easily into the landscapes so much so that they almost become inseparable from nature and thus virtually disappear," the photographers state on their website.

While in some photos it's easy to spot the models, in others it's close to impossible.

Metamorphosis website

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