성생활 활발한 사람이 돈도 더 잘 번다 Want a promotion at work? You need to have more sex

Does having more sex make you rich?

source telegraph.co.uk

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


 침실에서 성공적인 사람이 일터에서도 더 성공적이다?

성관계를 더 자주 갖는 사람일수록 돈도 더 잘 번다는 연구결과가 나왔다.

21일(현지시간) 영국 일간 텔레그래프에 따르면 영국 앵글리아러스킨대 연구팀이 그리스인 7천500명의 행동연구 자료를 분석한 결과 일주일에 2∼3번 섹스를 하는사람이 그보다 덜 자주 하는 사람보다 보수가 4.5% 높았다.

연구는 그러나 활발한 성샐활이 일의 성취를 높여 소득을 증가시키는 건지, 아니면 돈을 더 잘 버는 사람이 성생활에 있어서도 운이 좋은 건지는 분명히 규명하지않았다.

연구를 주도한 닉 드라이다키스 앵그리아러시킨대 교수는 "매슬로의 욕구단계 가설에 따르면 개인적인 삶에서 더 행복하고 성취감을 느낄수록 일에서도 더 생산적이고 성공적"이라고 말했다. 교수는 "성적으로든 아니든 사람은 다른 사람을 사랑하고, 사랑을 받아야 한다는 것"이라며 "그렇지 않으면 외로움이나 사회불안, 우울감에 더 민감해지고 이것이 일에도 영향을 미칠 수 있다"고 설명했다.

연구에 따르면 또 건강에 문제가 있는 사람일수록 성관계 빈도도 낮았다.

규칙적으로 약을 먹는 사람은 5.4%, 당뇨병이 있는 사람은 2.4%, 심장에 문제가있는 사람은 11.4% 정도 성생활이 덜 활발했다.

이번 연구결과는 국제인력저널에 게재될 예정이다.



A new study has shown that people who have sex several times 

week earn more than their less sexually active peers. Rebecca 

Reid explains why sexual stimulation is the key to a work/life balance 

A work/life balance is important - don't give in to presenteeism (Alamy) 


By Rebecca Reid

Have you ever read an interview in a woman’s magazine where the question of a morning routine comes up? 

It’s pretty standard fare: A 'power woman' tells us about rising at 5am to greet the sun, meditating, making kale smoothies for her fifteen children and then working out for two hours. Finally she'll stride into the office at 8am, having achieved more in a morning than you usually do in a week. 

Only, it turns out that the secret those women might not have been sharing is the slotting-in of some good old fashioned marital relations. 

Because it turns out that people who have sex two or three times a week earn 4.5 per cent more than those who are less sexually active. 

Great news. Sex is good for your career! 

And when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. 

Sex is fun. Sex costs nothing and sex releases a cocktail of happy-making hormones when you orgasm, that would otherwise only be found in a long run (no thank you) or a large gin and tonic (yes please but not too many on a school night.) 

There was a time when the secrecy that surrounded sex created a climate where we didn’t discuss our erotic lives. That, in turn, stalled research into its positive affects. 

But an increased sense of openness around sex means that surveys, like this latest Greek one, are finally exploring the sexual climate we live in. 

Whatever you do after work - whether it’s an intense game of squash, a long evening in the pub with friends, having sex with your partner, or even masturbating - the important thing is that you’re doing something. 

Work/life balance is a struggle, we all know that. And perhaps it takes something a tempting as sex to encourage us to switch off our computers, stand up and mumble something to colleagues about home-time. 

Eating a sad, wilted salad at your desk, developing a vitamin D deficiency from fluorescent lighting in lieu of sunshine and forgetting what your partner looks like might seem like the trappings of dedication. 

But it’s well documented that people with a work life balance are far more successful in the office. 

It’s just common sense that a change of scene, fresh air and time with people you care about, will refresh and reboot you. And even better than a sunny walk home from work is the moment when you and your partner instantly connect and decide to skip chopping the vegetables for dinner and retreat upstairs instead. 

Good sex has a lot in common with professionalism: it’s about listening, observing, acting on vocal and non-vocal cues and helping someone else, while focussing on yourself. 

And good sex, just like professional success, is a confidence booster. 

And as we all know, confidence is corporate catnip. 

Of course, there are aspects to the study that raise further questions. I’d be curious to see what the gender breakdown of the research is. Do women who have more frequent sex also reap the benefit of their post coital glow the next morning? Or, as has traditionally been the case, are men more likely to bond in the staff kitchen over back slapping, high fiving sexual accolades, while women provide sex rather than benefiting from it? 

Similarly, there’s the question of causation within the research. Are people becoming higher earners because they’re having more sex, or are they having more sex because they are high earners? 

Anyone who’s seen Wolf of Wall Street can attest that having a lot of money enables people to have a lot of sex - not just because they can pay for it, but also because wealth imbues people with a kind of confidence that is incredibly attractive. 

Cause and affect might be tangled up together. But, whichever comes first (the chicken or the sex) the message is the same loud and clear: sex and professional success come together. 

Now, you just need to try and make sure you and your partner do, too. 

edited by kcontents

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