200억불 규모 나이지리 원전, 러시아와 건설 협의 중 Nigeria in talks with Russia's Rosatom to build four nuclear power plants
산업과학 Construction,Science/해외동향 Global Project2015. 4. 17. 01:23
source i0.wp.com
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Ki Chul Hwang 황기철 Conpaper Editor Distributor 콘페이퍼 에디터 나이지리아는 러시아의 로사톰사와 200억불 규모의 4기의 원전 건설에 대해 협의 중으로 있다. 로사톰사와는 원전의 설계 시공 운영과 해체까지 이미 계약 체결한 바 있다. 나이지리아 원자력에너지 CEO는 2035년까지 총 4,800MW용량의 갖추기 위하여 원전 3기를 추가로 건설할 계획으로 기당 건설비용은 50억불이며 첫 원전은 2025년에 상용화를 기대하고 있다. 앞으로 로사톰사는 원전에 대한 재원을 조달하게 되며 가장 많은 지분을 보유하며 원전을 운영할 예정이다. |
Nigeria in talks with Russia's Rosatom to build four nuclear
power plants
Nigeria is in talks with Russia's state-owned Rosatom to build as many as four nuclear power plants estimated to cost nearly $20bn. The nation has already signed a deal with Rosatom to cooperate on the design, construction, operation as well as decommissioning of an atomic power facility. Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission chairman and CEO Franklin Erepamo Osaisai said that plans are on for more three nuclear plants which will bring total capacity to 4,800MW by 2035. Each facility is projected to cost $5bn, with the first plant expected to be operational by 2025. Rosatom will own a majority, controlling stake in the nuclear facility, with the remaining stake to be owned by the country. "The government will enter a power-purchasing agreement for the nuclear plant," added Osaisai. The plants will be funded by Rosatom, which will build, own, operate and transfer them to the government. worldconstructionnetwork |
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