세계 최고 넓은 혀를 가진 기네스기록 보유자 Open wide! Father boasts world's widest tongue at whopping 8.6cm(VIDEO)
Open wide! Father boasts world's widest tongue at whopping 8.6cm (and his daughter's got a whopper too...)
Byron Schlenker and daughter Emily, 14, are both world record holders
47-year-old from Syracuse, New York, has tongue wider than an iPhone 6
Is now a celebrity in hometown since winning Guinness World Record crown
세계 기네스기록 증서를 받고 부녀가 서로 축하해주고 있다.(사진)
바이론 슐렌커와 그의 딸 에밀리(14)는 모두 세계 기네스 기록 보유자다.
뉴욕에 사는 47살의 슐렌커는 아이폰6보다 넓은 혀를 가지고 있다.
슐렌커의 혀는 아이폰보다도 2cm가 더 넓은 8.6cm, 그의 딸은 7.3cm
그들이 얼마나 거대한(?) 혀를 가지고 있는지 여러분도 한번 재보기를...
혀가 넓으면 뭐가 좋을까?
Ki Chul Hwang 황기철
Conpaper Editor 콘페이퍼 에디터
Meet Byron Schlenker and his teenage daughter who BOTH hold records for having the world's widest tongue.
Byron's buds measure a whopping 8.6cm across - the same width as a beer mat and 2cm wider than an iPhone 6.
His daughter Emily, 14, is not far behind at 7.3cm and hold's the record for the widest female tongue while her father has the men's crown.
Scroll down for video
Emily and Byron Schlenker are the world record holders for having the widest female and male toungues

The father and daughter have been recognised by Guinness World Records and have tongues a whopping 8.6cm and 7.3cm wide respectively

Byron only found out he was a world-beater when he picked up a Guinness World Records book at the library while helping his daughter with a school project
Byron, 47, only discovered his tongue was the widest in the world when he picked up a copy of the Guinness Book of World Records while helping Emily with a school project at the library.
After measuring his tongue, he found it was nearly a centimetre wider than the then record holder's.
Since his tongue was officially dubbed the world's widest he has become something of a celebrity in his hometown of Syracuse, New York.
The project manager said: 'The book goes all over the world and it's neat to see people's responses on Facebook and things like that.'
His daughter added: 'I didn't want anything to do with it at first but we measured my tongue and found out that it was wider [than the then record holder's].'
Byron's wife Vicki says her friends 'make jokes about Byron's tongue and our love life', but she won't be drawn on the insinuations.
She said: 'We try to keep it clean. We are a wholesome family with three young ladies in the house so we just kind of laugh it off.'
Byron with wife Vicki and daughter Emily. The teenager said: 'I didn't want anything to do with it at first but we measured my tongue and found out that it was [the world's widest]'

Vicki measuring her husband's tongue. Her friends 'make jokes about Byron's tongue and our love life'

The whole family Schlenker at home in Syracuse, celebrating record breakers Byron and Emily. Left to right: Andie, Emily, Byron, Vicki and Cindy
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