두바이 메트로 '엑스포2020 노선' 15km 연장한다 15km Route 2020 metro line to serve Expo(VIDEO)
산업과학 Construction,Science/해외동향 Global Project2015. 4. 15. 20:50
The southbound Red Line metro leaving a station. Jeff Topping / The National
This map shows the extended red and green lines and some station stops
source khaleejtimes.com
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UAE 도로교통청은 두바이 메트로 레드라인의 15km 연장을 발표했다. 연장구간은 7개 정거장이 추가되고 낙힐항과 타워메트로역에서 엑스포2020 행사장까지이다. 이 노선이 완료되면 두바이 마리나에서 엑스포 2020까지 16분만에 갈 수 있게 된다. 메트로 'Route 2020' 로 명명된 이 프로젝트는 5개소의 지상역과 2개의 지하역으로 건설되며 2020년 엑스포 개막에 맞춰 개통된다. Ki Chul Hwang 황기철 Conpaper Editor 콘페이퍼 에디터 |
Dubai Marina to World Expo site in 16 minutes
'Route 2020' Project Written by Chris Sleight Dubai, UAE’s Roads & Transport Authority (RTA) has announced plans for a 15 km extension to the emirates’ Metro. The new leg of the Red line will have seven stations and run from Nakheel Harbour and the Tower Metro Station to the site of the Expo 2020 show grounds. RTA executive chairman Mattar Al Tayer said, “(The) Route 2020 project will offer safe and smooth mobility to visitors of Expo 2020 and residents of the neighbourhood as well. It stands out as a vital transit corridor linking various Dubai districts with Al Maktoum International Airport, an icon of a new important development phase in the history of Dubai, and a symbol of sustainability, advancement and creativity for current and future generations.” The RTA said it would hold a workshop later this month for consultants and contractors interested in working on the scheme. Contract packages are expected to be put out for tender next July. When complete, the extension to the Red Line will take the total length of the Dubai Metro to 90 km. As yet, the RTA has not announced a budget for the scheme. However, the timeline world require completion ahead of the 2020 World Expo, which takes place in Dubai. The event is due to open in October 2020 and close in April 2021. The project has been welcomed by Nakheel, one of Dubai’s leading real estate developers. The company said that more than 110,000 people living in communities it has built will benefit from the extension project A Nakheel spokesman said: “The Dubai Metro extension is a major boost for these communities – and the wider area known as New Dubai – both in terms of the residents who live in them and investors who have bought land or homes in them. Residents will benefit from a transport alternative to the car, while the value of investors’ properties will be enhanced.” |
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