유명 여 스타들의 비키니 파파라치 그림들 Can you guess the stars from their derrieres? Kim Kardashian is..(VIDEO)
Can you guess the stars from their derrieres?
Kim Kardashian is just one bottom to get downsized as artist paints the world's most famous rears for a series of miniatures

- New York-based artist Catalina Viejo paints only the rear ends of famous stars, never their faces
- She uses paparazzi snaps, rather than airbrushed images from magazines, to create her paintings
- Catalina has produced 42 miniature bottom portraits,and sells them for $90 (£60) each
Ki Chul Hwang 황기철
Conpaper Editor 콘페이퍼 에디터
An artist has carved out a unique genre for herself with her colourful portraits of celebrity bottoms.
Spanish artist Catalina Viejo, 31, who is based in New York, paints miniature pictures from candid paparazzi shots rather than using glossy magazine images, and has worked her magic on stars including Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna and Beyonce.
In <g class="gr_ gr_101 gr-alert gr_gramm Punctuation only-ins replaceWithoutSep" id="101" data-gr-id="101">total</g> she has completed 42 tiny pictures, which are the size of a postage stamp and don't feature any faces, and cost around $90 (£60).
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Artist Catalina Viejo paints miniature pictures of famous bottoms, including Kim Kardashian's, from candid paparazzi shots

Amber Rose is Catalina's favourite portrait of the 42 miniatures, as hers was the biggest bottom on the smallest canvas
The bite-sized series is aptly titled 'A View of the End' and is currently on display at the SHAG Gallery in Brooklyn, New York.
Catalina explained that she wanted to paint her celebrity subjects while they were relaxed or on holiday - not as they are seen in glamorous campaigns which have been polished and airbrushed.
In keeping with this approach, Catalina named each work with just the celebrity's first name, making each piece more personal.

Miley Cyrus: In total, the 31-year-old artist has completed 42 miniature works, which cost up to $90 (£60) each

Cameron Diaz: The bite-sized series is titled 'A View of the End' and is currently on display at the SHAG Gallery in Brooklyn, New York

Katy Perry: Catalina explains that she wanted to paint her celebrity subjects while they were relaxed or on holiday - not as they are seen in glamorous campaigns
As well as the current exhibit, 30 of the artist's works are also available in a book under the same title.
Speaking about the series, Catalina said: 'The fact these butts belong to celebrities increases the viewer's curiosity.
'Partly because you feel as if you're looking at intimate images of people you're familiar with, but also because of the contradiction created in the context of celebrity.

Britney Spears: Catalina named each work with just the celebrity's first name, making each piece more personal

Penelope Cruz: As well as the current exhibit, 30 of the artist's works are also available in a book under the same title

Gisele Bundchen with her baby: Speaking about the series, Catalina said, 'The fact these butts belong to celebrities increases the viewer's curiosity. Partly because you feel as if you're looking at intimate images of people you're familiar with.'
Catalina added: 'The most powerful marketing tool a celebrity has is his or her public identity, and the face represents that identity.
'Even when we see a famous rear in a magazine, it's accompanied by the celebrity's face.
'My miniature paintings include no faces and some would be very difficult to recognise without the title forcing people to become their own paparazzi.
'People tell me they feel as though they are looking literally at the 'back of fame' which is fun to think about.
'I enjoyed painting each one for different reasons, but I really liked painting Amber's <g class="gr_ gr_89 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling" id="89" data-gr-id="89">bum</g> (one of the largest <g class="gr_ gr_90 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling" id="90" data-gr-id="90">bums</g>) at the smallest scale. The painting of her bum is the smallest in the exhibition, about the size of my thumbnail!'

Rihanna: Catalina said 'My miniature paintings include no faces and some would be very difficult to recognise without the title forcing people to become their own paparazzi.'

Nicki Minaj: Catalina takes her paintbrush to the singer's ample <g class="gr_ gr_81 gr-alert gr_gramm Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="81" data-gr-id="81">bottom,</g> but changes the colour of her hair

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