65세 독일 할머니, 네 쌍둥이 임신 65-Year-Old Mother Of 13 Having 'Quadruplets'(VIDEO)

Annegret Raunigk, a primary school teacher from Berlin, will create 

medical history when she becomes the oldest mother of four in a single 

birth in the world. source dailymail

edited by kcontents 


 독일 베를린에 사는 65세 여성이 네 쌍둥이를 임신했다고 dpa와 AFP 통신이 12일(현지시간) 방송사 RTL을 인용해 보도했다. 이 방송은 러시아어·영어 교사인 이 여성은 지난 1년 반 동안 수차례 해외 인공수정을 시도한 끝에 임신에 성공했다고 전했다. 


이미 자녀 13명과 손자·손녀 7명을 둔 할머니로 지난 2005년 마지막으로 출산한 경험이 있다. 아직 임신에 따른 합병증 등 의심 증세를 보이지는 않고 있다고 한다. 이 여성은 도덕적 비난 우려에 "다 각자 자신들의 판단이 있는 것"이라고 강조했다. 



The teacher's four babies are due in the summer and would 

make her the world's oldest mother of quadruplets.


Baby fame: Ms Raunigk, then 55, hit the headlines in Germany ten years 

ago, when she gave birth to her 55세때

source dailymail

A 65-year-old German grandmother is reportedly pregnant with quadruplets.

Annegret Raunigk, who has 13 children and seven grandchildren, decided to try for another child because her youngest daughter, who is nine, wanted a little brother or sister.

The Russian and English teacher, from Berlin, became pregnant after 18 months of artificial insemination, said Luxembourg-based broadcaster RTL.

RTL said it would broadcast an interview with Ms Raunigk, whose oldest child is 44, on Monday evening and plans to film her through her pregnancy.

Her baby is due in the summer and would make her the world's oldest mother of quadruplets.

 Play video "2014: Mum Surprised By Quadruplets"  Video: 2014: Mum Surprised By Quadruplets  The prospective mother-of-17 told German newspaper Bild am Sonntag of her surprise when doctors told her the news.

"Certainly that was a shock for me. After the doctor discovered there were four, I had to give it some thought to begin with," she said.

"I'm not actually afraid. I simply assume I'll remain healthy and fit. In matters of organisation I have enough experience, that's not new for me."

Asked by RTL if she thought she was too old to bring up four babies, she said: "How does one have to be at 65? One must apparently always fit some cliches which I find rather tiring.

"I think, one must decide that for oneself."

Her gynaecologist Kai Hertwig told RTL that quadruple pregnancies are always a strain but everything was going well.

The biggest risk for the babies is being born prematurely and doctors are doing all they can to prevent that, he added.

Ms Raunigk made headlines 10 years ago when she gave birth to her 13th child, Lelia, at the age of 55.


edited by kcontents

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