세상에서 제일 위험한 건설현장 Chinese workers balance on flimsy planks with no ropes as they build road thousands of feet..(VIDEO)

The country that health and safety forgot: 

Chinese workers balance on flimsy planks with no ropes as they build road thousands of feet up a mountain

Workers carry heavy planks and wheelbarrows full of concrete across wooden walkway thousands of feet in the air

Men, who are just one step from death, have no ropes or safety harnesses and only hard hats to cushion their fall

Officials in Pingjiang County, Hunan province, hope the path will attract thousands of tourists when it is complete

 세상에서 가장 위험한 공사장의 아찔한 모습이 공개돼 눈길을 사로잡고 있다.

영국 일간지 데일리메일의 14일자 보도에 따르면 도로공사가 진행중인 후난성의 무푸산(幕府山) 중턱에서는 안전장치가 거의 없이 아찔한 공사를 이어가는 인부들이 있다.

이들은 전문가용 안전벨트나 추락에 대비한 안전망 등이 전혀 없이 오로지 안전모자 하나만 착용한 채 수 백 m 낭떠러지에서 수 일 동안 생활하고 있다. 널빤지를 이어 만든 좁은 폭의 다리 위로 손수레 등 무거운 중장비를 옮기는데, 자칫 중심을 잃으면 낭떠러지로 떨어질 수 있어 보는 이들을 아찔하게 한다.

무푸산은 자연국립공원 등으로 유명하며, 후난성 등 인근 지방정부는 더 많은 관광객들을 유치하기 위해 무푸산 비탈에 유리 산책로(흔들다리)를 건설하기로 결정했다.

보기만 해도 아찔한 공사장에서 수 년 째 일하고 있는 한 인부는 "다른 공사장 일과 크게 다르다고 느끼지 않는다. 사람들이 생각하는 만큼 그렇게 위험하지는 않다"며 태연한 모습을 보였다.

무푸산 인근 핑장시의 또 다른 관광지에는 이와 유사한 유리 흔들다리가 완공돼 관광객들을 맞이하고 있다. 다리 길이는 약 300m, 수직 고도는 180m에 달하며 현재 공사중인 곳에도 역시 이와 유사한 형태의 다리가 놓여질 것으로 보인다.

이 다리는 양 옆이 철제 케이블로 연결돼 있으며, 바람에 따라 흔들거리고 바닥이 유리로 되어 있어 관람객들이 더욱 '짜릿한' 산책을 즐길 수 있다.

데일리메일은 "인부들의 건강과 안전을 잊은 중국의 공사현장"이라는 제목으로 이들의 모습을 공개했으며, 이들은 현재도 목숨을 내놓은 채 좁은 널빤지 다리를 오가며 공사를 이어가고 있다.  

[서울신문 나우뉴스] 송혜민 기자huimin0217@seoul.co.kr


For most workers, being told they're getting a raise at work is a cause for celebration, but not for these builders in China.

That's because they're constructing a mountain road thousands of feet above the ground in Pingjiang County, Hunan province.

With no ropes or safety harnesses, and only hard hats to protect them if they fall, these men spend their days hauling heavy planks and wheelbarrows full of cement over a rickety wooden walkway.

On the edge: Workers in China have been pictured building a walkway for tourists while perched thousands of feet up a mountain side in Pingjiang County, Hunan province

On the edge: Workers in China have been pictured building a walkway for tourists while perched thousands of feet up a mountain side in Pingjiang County, Hunan province

Precarious: The men spend their days carrying heavy planks of wood and wheelbarrows full of concrete across a flimsy-looking wooden walkway with so safety harnesses or ropes

Precarious: The men spend their days carrying heavy planks of wood and wheelbarrows full of concrete across a flimsy-looking wooden walkway with so safety harnesses or ropes

Tipping point: Here, the builders are left standing on nothing more than rusty-looking scaffolding poles as they hammer them into the rock to extend the road further round the cliff

Tipping point: Here, the builders are left standing on nothing more than rusty-looking scaffolding poles as they hammer them into the rock to extend the road further round the cliff

Attraction: Pingjiang is dominated by the Mufu mountain range and officials have tried to attract visitors to the small county by construction precarious walkways such as this one for tourists to walk along

Attraction: Pingjiang is dominated by the Mufu mountain range and officials have tried to attract visitors to the small county by construction precarious walkways such as this one for tourists to walk along

In other images the builders can be seen perched on nothing more than rusty metal scaffolding poles as they hammer them into the mountainside to extend the walkway.

Chinese officials hope that the road will draw thousands more tourists to the area, as they flock to walk along the scenic route.

Pingjiang County is well-known for its mountains, with the Mufu Mountain range sweeping through most of the province, and the national park there already attracts thousands of sightseers.

Local authorities have tried to capitalise on this popularity by building a winding series of mountain roads and glass walkways along some of the sheerest cliff faces.

Under construction: The workers first assemble the scaffolding poles along the cliff before constructing a walkway of wooden planks along the top, and then use this as a base to construct a more stable concrete path

Don't look down: Without ropes or safety harnesses, and with only hard hats to protect them if they fall, these men assemble scaffolding along the cliff, which is the first stage of extending the walkway

Don't look down: Without ropes or safety harnesses, and with only hard hats to protect them if they fall, these men assemble scaffolding along the cliff, which is the first stage of extending the walkway

Nerve-wracking: With little or no safety equipment, these are the brave men charged with helping to build this tourist attraction in Pingjiang County, south eastern China, which officials hope will bring tourists to the area

Nerve-wracking: With little or no safety equipment, these are the brave men charged with helping to build this tourist attraction in Pingjiang County, south eastern China, which officials hope will bring tourists to the area

Danger: These men pour heavy concrete into moulds set into the mountain walls, with the whole structure balanced on top of wooden planks and rusty scaffolding poles

Danger: These men pour heavy concrete into moulds set into the mountain walls, with the whole structure balanced on top of wooden planks and rusty scaffolding poles


It is not known exactly where this walkway is being constructed, but it is very similar in appearance to another mountain path being built along the side of Shifou Mountain, in nearby Jiangxi province.

That road has been under construction since at least 2011, and also saw workers balancing on a flimsy 3ft-wide wooden walkway thousands of feet up a mountain.

Once completed, that road would have stretched for nearly two miles around the cliff top, making it China's longest mountain sightseeing road.

Engineer Yu Ji, 48, who has been building these roads for a decade, said: 'I don’t feel it’s so different from any other job. It’s not as dangerous as people think. You just wear ropes then everything is OK.'

Heavy load: Workers are pictured filling in the bridge with concrete, with all the weight balanced on top of rickety wooden planks

Heavy load: Workers are pictured filling in the bridge with concrete, with all the weight balanced on top of rickety wooden planks

Hard labour: The men are expected to spend their days hauling heavy wooden planks and wheelbarrows full of concrete back and forth across the walkway, despite being suspended thousands of feet in the air with no safety equipment

Hard labour: The men are expected to spend their days hauling heavy wooden planks and wheelbarrows full of concrete back and forth across the walkway, despite being suspended thousands of feet in the air with no safety equipment

Toughing it out: These workers manage to look like they're enjoying themselves, despite being just one step away from death on this mountainside in south eastern China

Toughing it out: These workers manage to look like they're enjoying themselves, despite being just one step away from death on this mountainside in south eastern China


Another glass-bottomed walkway opened in Pingjiang in 2014, suspended 600ft above the ground, it is actually a suspension bridge that stretches between two mountaintops.

Because it is only held up by steel cables which anchor it to the surrounding rocks, the bridge actually sways when the wind blows, making it especially terrifying for tourists to cross.

So many visitors get stuck on the bridge, their legs paralysed by fear, that the tourist board employs specially trained staff who are on hand to help them to the other side. 


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