전설적인 여자 스나이퍼 '루드밀라 파블리첸코' 영화 Lady Death, the female sniper who killed 300 Nazis: Russian-Ukrainian biopic..(VIDEO)

Lady Death, the female sniper who killed 300 Nazis: 

Russian-Ukrainian biopic about legendary sharpshooter hopes to unite the former allies despite crisis that's torn them apart

source kcontents

£3m film charts life of Ukrainian-born Soviet sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko

Aims to be a hit in both countries despite the ongoing crisis in Ukraine 

Has been launched with glitzy gala premieres in both Moscow and Kiev

Pavlichenko killed 309 Nazis during battles in Odessa and Sevastopol

'Lady Death' 

녀의 닉네임이다.

우크라이나 출신 전설적인 소련 여자 스나이퍼 '루드밀라 파블리첸코'의 삶을 만든 

러시아-우크라이나 합작 영화가 만들어졌다.

얼마전 러시아 모스크바와 우크라이나 키에프에서 시사회를 가졌으며 러시아-우크라이나 

위기에도 불구하고 양국에서 힛트 칠 조짐을 보이고 있다.

스나이퍼 파블리첸코는 2차세계대전 오데사와 세바스토폴 전투에서 309명의 

독일군을 사살했다. ('Battle for Sevastopol' 첨부 트레일러 참조

 2차 세계대전 당시 독일군 병사 309명을 저격시킨 기록을 가지고 있는 소련군 여성 스나이퍼였 루드밀라 M. 파블리첸코 (Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko)는 1916년 7월 우크라이나의 작은 마을 벨라야 체르호프에서 태어났다.

학생시절 어린 루드밀라는 독립적인 성향이 강했으며 자부심이 대단했다고 한다.그녀가 14살때 가족 모두는 우크라이나의 수도인 키에프로 이주를 하게 된다.

그리고 키에프의 조병창에서 일하며 그곳의 사격 클럽에 가입하여 사격 훈련을 받았다. 이때부터 그녀는 저격수로서의 재능을 키워 나간 것이었다.

키에프 주립대학교의 역사학과를 다니던중 독소전쟁이 발발하자 그녀는 24세의 꽃다운 나이에 많은 동급생들과 마찬가지로 소련군에 자원 입대를 하게 된다.

보충병 담당장교는 처음에 잘 다듬어진 손톱과 아름다운 헤어스타일을 가진 패션 감각이 있는 파블리첸코를 보고 그녀가 야전 간호원이 되기를 권했다. 

하지만 그녀는 사격술 수료증을 꺼내 보이며 사격 실력을 증명하며 소총부대에 배속시켜 줄것을 원한다.소련군 제25 보병사단에 배치된 파블리첸코는 1941년 8월 벨리아예프카 라는 마을의 방어전에서 2명의 적을 사살하는 첫 전과를 올린다.

독일군의 만슈타인 원수가 이끄는 독일 남부군이 우크라이나 흑해 연변의 도시인 오데사를 장악하고 

흑해의 군항이자 요충지인 세바스토폴 요새를 함락시키려고 하자 파블리첸코는 세바스토폴에 투입되게 된다. 

세바스토폴에 투입되게 된 파블리첸코는  두달반 동안 무려 187명의 독일군들을 저격하여 사살하고 

그녀는 10개월간 309명을 사살하는 경이로운 전과를 세운다. 그러나 1942년 6월 세바스토폴 방어전 당시 날아온 독일군의 박격포탄에 의해 부상을 당한다.

파블리첸코가 부상을 당하자 소련군 당국은 영웅적인 여성 스나이퍼를 구조하기 위해 흑해의 잠수함까지 동원하여 그녀를 후송시키며 세바스토폴을 떠날 것을 명령했다.

이미 소련군에게 루드밀라 파블리첸코는 절대로 전사해서는 안될 영웅이 되어 있었던 것이었다.루드밀라 파블리첸코는 소련군의 사기를 올려주는 최고의 상징적 인물이면서 병사들의 우상이었다.

루드밀라는 부상에서 완쾌가 되자마자 소련 시민으로서는 최초로 미국 루즈벨트 대통령의 초청을 받아 백악관을 방문하게 된다.이때 파블리첸코는 미국과 캐나다의 여러 도시를 여행하면서 자신의  경험을 이야기했다.

귀국후 그녀는 전장으로 돌아가지 않고 후방에서 종전까지 교관으로서 소련군 수백명의 후배 저격수들을 양성시킨다.그녀는 종전까지 총 309 명의 독일군을 사살시킨 경이로운 성과를 기록했다.

만약 그녀가 부상을 당하지 않았었다면 종전까지 500~700명의 독일군들을 사살시켰을 것으로 추정되었다.소련 군대에서 그녀 다음의 저격 기록으로는 저격부 대장인  니나 알렉세이에브나 로코프스카야 (Nina Alexeyevna Lobkovskaya )인데 그녀는 루드밀리 파블리첸코가 기록한 저격 기록에 단 1명이 뒤진 308명을 기록하여 저격 부문의 순위는 2위였다.

이는 저격 부문에서 그에 대한 기록의 명성과 인지도의 차이는 비록 단 1명의 차이지만 1등은 누구나 잘 알아 보지만 2등은 누구인지 잘 모르는것과 같은 형태의 천냥지 차이의 비교적 측면을 보여준다. 


Ki Chul Hwang 황기철 

Conpaper Editor 콘페이퍼 에디터

By Simon Tomlinson for MailOnline 

A Russian-Ukrainian film about a legendary Soviet sniper nicknamed 'Lady Death' is aiming to be a hit in both nations despite the crisis that has turned the former allies against each other.

Titled 'Battle for Sevastopol' in Russia but 'Indestructible' across the border in Ukraine, the movie – about a female sharpshooter who reportedly killed more than 300 Nazi troops – is a co-production between the two countries made just before relations nosedived.

And despite the freeze in ties between the former Soviet nations that has seen Ukraine ban a slew of modern Russian films, the $5million (£3m) movie was launched last week with glitzy gala premieres in both Moscow and Kiev.

Scroll down for video 

Film Battle for Sevastopol

Nazi killer: A Russian-Ukrainian film about legendary Soviet sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko (left) who was <g id="2365" class="gr_ gr_2365 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling only-del replaceWithoutSep" data-gr-id="2365">nicknamed nicknamed</g> 'Lady Death' is aiming to be a hit in both nations despite the current crisis. The film (right) is titled 'Battle for Sevastopol' in Russia but 'Indestructible' across the border in Ukraine

Will it bring unity? The movie – about the female sharpshooter who reportedly killed more than 300 Nazi troops – is a co-production between the two countries made just before relations nosedived

Will it bring unity? The movie – about the female sharpshooter who reportedly killed more than 300 Nazi troops – is a co-production between the two countries made just before relations nosedived

Director Sergei Mokritsky, who grew up in Ukraine but lives in Russia, told AFP: 'Despite everything, it has been accepted both by the new Ukrainian authorities and our Russian ones.

'I am hoping this film will unite people and at least for two hours, for the length of this film, people can come together in our shared history.'

The Russian-language film is about Ukrainian-born sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko – nicknamed 'Lady Death' – and comes out ahead of the 70th anniversary in May of the Allied victory in the European theatre of World War Two.

Trained as a sharpshooter and sent to fight on the frontline in 1941, aged 25, Pavlichenko was said to have killed 309 Nazis in less than a year during battles in Odessa and the strategic city of Sevastopol on Ukraine's Crimea peninsula.  

Hard-hitting biopic: Russian actors Yevgeny Tsyganov (left) and Yulia Peresild (right), who plays Ukrainian-born sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko are seen in a still from Sergei Mokritsky's 'Battle of Sevastopol' film

Hard-hitting biopic: Russian actors Yevgeny Tsyganov (left) and Yulia Peresild (right), who plays Ukrainian-born sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko are seen in a still from Sergei <g id="2348" class="gr_ gr_2348 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling ins-del multiReplace" data-gr-id="2348">Mokritsky's</g> 'Battle of Sevastopol' film

Bringing together a shared history: The Russian-language film (above) comes out ahead of the 70th anniversary in May of the Allied victory in the European theatre of World War Two

Bringing together a shared history: The Russian-language film (above) comes out ahead of the 70th anniversary in May of the Allied victory in the European theatre of World War Two

Heroine: Pavlichenko was said to have killed 309 Nazis in less than a year during battles in Odessa and the strategic city of Sevastopol on Ukraine's Crimea peninsula during World War Two

Heroine: Pavlichenko was said to have killed 309 Nazis in less than a year during battles in Odessa and the strategic city of Sevastopol on Ukraine's Crimea peninsula during World War Two

The new biopic was shot on location in Sevastopol in November and December 2013 during the Maidan popular uprising in Kiev, shortly before the toppling of pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych and Russia's annexation of Crimea.

'I thought we can't stop filming, whatever happens,' Mokritsky recalled. 'The faster, the better, because later, it may not be possible.'  

The differing titles for the film highlight some of the bitterest divisions between Russia and Ukraine.

In Russian, the title 'Battle for Sevastopol' resonates with the patriotic fervour generated by Crimea's annexation in March last year. 

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian name 'Indestructible' hints at the national spirit as government forces battle a pro-Russian uprising in the country's east. 

As played by Yulia Peresild, the film's heroine is unsmiling and unremittingly tough.

'War's no place for cowards,' she says. 

She vows to "kill 100 enemies", hugging her rifle and upbraids a fellow sniper for firing a shot to finish off a Nazi dying in agony.

"They don't deserve an easy death," she says.

In graphic battle scenes with blood spurting and shells exploding, she shoots to kill without flinching. 

But she has a softer side, too.

She finds love in the arms of a tough commander, who is killed soon afterwards. 

She then falls for a fellow sniper and the couple plan to marry, but she is devastated when he, too, is killed. 

Finally she gets injured and is evacuated from Sevastopol, soon before the Nazis captured the strategic city in 1942. 

The next stage in Pavlichenko's life is far from the horrors of the frontline.  

Sensing her propaganda value, the Soviet Union sent her to tour Canada and the United States, where she called for the opening of a new front in the war.

Dressed in an army tunic and cap, she became an object of fascination, nicknamed 'Lady Death' by journalists. 

Pavlichenko was trained as a sharpshooter and sent to fight on the frontline in 1941 at the age of 25

Pavlichenko was trained as a sharpshooter and sent to fight on the frontline in 1941 at the age of 25

She met American First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and was invited to stay at the White House as a personal guest. 

The women stayed in touch and Roosevelt met her again years later in Moscow.

In the film, she reveals her emotional turmoil while cooking borscht with a motherly Roosevelt, played by British actress Joan Blackham. 

The film comes hot on the heels of the global smash directed by Clint Eastwood about a U.S. Navy Seal sharpshooter 'American Sniper'. 

Critics have lauded the vivid photography in the Ukrainian-Russian film, but complain that Pavlichenko does not come across as a fully-rounded character.

'She faces all these events with the same tense expression,' wrote Gazeta.ru news site.

As for the two governments now locked in a bitter feud, both say they are rooting for the film to be a success - just not quite for the same reasons.

'We see it as a Ukrainian film,' a spokesman for Kiev's state film agency told AFP, saying that 79 percent of the film's financing is Ukrainian, both from the state and private investors.

Meanwhile in Russia, an unusually conciliatory Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky said he hoped the movie might remind the rivals of when they fought side by side.

'It's very important today that it's a Ukrainian-Russian co-production. This is a film about our shared victory,' Medinsky said. 



The Ukrainian city of Odessa was subjected to an unrelenting aerial bombardment by the Nazis and their Axis allies in June 1941.

Surrounded on three sides, it was anticipated that Soviet forces would succumb quickly, but a channel via the Black Sea allowed for supplies and reinforcements to make their way into the city.

A second onslaught began in mid-August, but was forced to halt around a week later for a few days because of heavy casualties at the hands of the Red Army. 

Heavy artillery: German troops during the siege of Odessa against the Soviet army in World War Two

Heavy artillery: German troops during the siege of Odessa against the Soviet army in World War Two

Soviet soldiers march through a muddy field near Odessa

Soviet soldiers march through a muddy field near Odessa

However, by September 15, Soviet troops began to fall back towards the city and by early October, Moscow ordered a retreat. 

In the first two weeks of October, more than 120,000 troops were evacuated, along with 1,000 trucks and 20,000 tons of ammunition.

On October 15, Romanian troops – part of the Axis alliance – entered the city.

The Romanians lost nearly 18,000 troops while the Soviet Union lost around 16,000. 

                                                                                                   Source: World War II Database 



Sevastopol, a key port city on the Black Sea, came under attack from five Nazis divisions, supported by Luftwaffe bombardments, in May 1942.

Soviet troops were battered by up to 1,800 aerial sorties a day and were outnumbered by two to one on the ground.

The Soviet Coastal Army, led by General I.E. Petrov, mustered 106,000 men, 600 artillery guns, 100 mortars and 38 tanks.

German sappers at Sevastopol, where a massive siege was launched against the Soviet Red Army

German sappers at Sevastopol, where a massive siege was launched against the Soviet Red Army

The Germans, meanwhile, assembled 204,000 men, 670 artillery guns, 720 mortars, 655 anti-tank guns, 450 tanks and 600 aircraft.

By the end of June, the Germans fought their way into the city and an evacuation of Russian forces in the city was ordered on June 30, lasting for four days.

By the end of the siege, 90,000 Russian prisoners had been taken and they lost the equivalent of two armies.

                                                                                                   Source: History Learning Site 




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