봄나들이에 나선 애견들 Endearingly-Goofy Portraits of Dogs Catching a Breeze from Cars

날씨가 따뜻해지니 애견들도 봄나들이에 나섰다.

부모들의 차를 타고 하이킹에서 봄을 만끽하는 강아지들의 

찰나를 LA출신 사진작가 라라 조 리건이 예리하게 잡았다.

Ki Chul Hwang 황기철 

Conpaper Editor 콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Sara Barnes

As the weather gets warmer, it’s time to roll down the windows and enjoy the breeze. And if you’re traveling by car with a four-legged friend, chances are they’ll want to feel the wind in their face, too. Los Angeles-based photographer Lara Jo Regan captures canines’ goofy excitement in her delightful series-turned-book titled Dogs in Cars.

The vivid photos showcase enormous grins as pooches hang their heads out of the windows and take in the sights and fresh air. Some are more eager than others as they stand halfway outside of the car. Others appear shy but still enjoy the special experience. Of course, there are some that are just content to sit quietly in the backseat.

To get these dynamic shots, Regan built a special light that jutted over the roof of her car and a harness that allowed her to lean out of the window. Other contraptions were also used to capture incredible angles.

Pet owner or not, Dogs in Cars will bring a smile to your face when you see these wagging tongues. We first admired the project in 2013, and since then Regan’s photographs have been turned into a 144-page bookpublished by W.W. Norton.

Dogs in Cars website

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