반려견과 함께 달리면.... 살빼기 효과 ‘2배’ Doggie Diet: Lose Weight With Your Dog

줄로 연결된 자연 *트레드밀(Treadmill) 

source http://www.sparkytimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/run.jpg


실내에서 달리기와 걷기를 위한 운동 기구이다. 한국어식 영어로 

러닝머신(running machine)이라고 한다.

edited by kcontents 



 반려견과 함께 조깅을 하면 살빼기 효과가 두 배로 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 

미국 노스웨스턴대학교 의대 연구팀은 과체중인 92명을 대상으로 1년 동안 다이어트 프로그램을 진행했다. 이들은 식사 조절 상담을 받고 일주일에 적어도 3회 30분씩 걸었는데, 이들 중 36명은 비만인 개와 함께 걸었다. 이 뚱뚱한 개들 역시 식이요법을 병행했다. 

1년 뒤 몸무게 측정 결과 개와 함께 운동한 사람은 평균 5kg가 빠진 반면 혼자 운동한 사람은 2.1kg만 빠진 것으로 나타났다. 뚱뚱했던 개 역시 15% 정도 감량에 성공했다. 

연구팀의 로버트 쿠시너 교수는 “개는 줄로 연결된 자연 트레드밀”이라며 “비가 오든 눈이 오든 언제라도 문 밖에 나가면 뛸 준비가 돼 있는 훌륭한 조깅 파트너”라고 말했다. 

쿠시너 박사는 “개와 함께 운동하면 더 활동적으로 움직이게 될 뿐 아니라 운동하는 재미도 있어 꾸준히 운동할 수 있다”며 “야외에서 걷는 것은 개도 좋아하기 때문에 사람과 개에게 모두 도움이 된다”고 말했다. 

미국 피츠버그대학교 메디컬 센터의 다운 마커스 교수는 “개와 함께 뛸 때 옆 사람과 말을 할 수 없을 정도로 숨이 가쁘면 너무 빨리 뛰는 것이므로 속도를 줄이는 식으로 조절하면 된다”고 말했다. 이런 내용은 헬스데이뉴스 등에 실렸다. 

코메디닷컴 권순일 기자 (kstt77@kormedi.com)


The latest diet isn’t a fad, it’s your best friend. 


By Deborah Wood | Photographs by Jess Golden 

When I take my dogs for a walk, all my neighbours recognize my little Papillons. They don't always recognize me. I'm about half the size I was two years ago; I've lost 125 pounds. What's my secret? Actually, I owe every ounce of my weight loss success to my little dog, Pogo. 

Pawsing For a Reality Check

I didn't start out planning to lose weight. It was my dog who was dieting. Pogo needed to lose about half a pound; on his small-dog frame, the equivalent of 10 pounds worth of love handles on me. 

I'd cut down just a bit on the serving size of his super premium dog food and added some pumpkin and veggies for volume, a sensible option for my little guy. One night, after scarfing up his dinner, Pogo gave me a sad look that clearly asked, "Isn't there more?" 

"You're just fine. You've had plenty," I lectured him. Then I looked down at my heaping plate of spaghetti and had an epiphany. "Deborah, you are such a hypocrite!" I said out loud. The next day, I was at my first Weight Watchers meeting. 

Until that moment, I was in absolute denial about my own serious weight problem. I viewed myself as sort of plump. As middle-aged. As a victim of a fashion industry that for unknown reasons had started making sleeves on clothes surprisingly small. 

Pogo and I weren't alone in needing to lose weight. About half the people and half the pets in North America are overweight. Everyone knows it's important for humans to lose weight, but you may not know it's just as important for your dog. Northwestern University (NU) in Chicago did a study with overweight people and portly dogs. Almost half the owners described their pudgy dogs' condition as "ideal." 

However, in a study done by Purina, slender dogs lived almost two years longer than dogs that were just a little bit overweight. Slender dogs have less health problems, too. Arthritis, diabetes, and other diseases that are caused or made worse by extra pounds can dramatically reduce your dog's quality of life. 

Treating Ourselves As Well As We Treat Our Dogs

In my case, I soon realized that for many years I'd been taking much better care of my dogs than I was of myself. I shopped for them in the all-natural food store, and then went to the bargain brand supermarket for my own food. I took them to their veterinarian if they sneezed, but it had been a lot of dog years since I'd seen my own doctor. 

I made a simple pledge to myself to take care of all of us in my home with the same diligence. I was committed to the health of my dogs-and to my own. In addition to following my new healthy regimen, I finally went to see my human doctor for all those middleage tests we should have. I was happy to find I was quite healthy and my new lifestyle will help me stay that way. 

The World's Best Exercise Equipment

When it comes to exercise, dog-lovers have a leg up- make that four legs up-on the rest of the world's dieters. 

In the NU study, the overweight people were given a sensible diet and advised to take daily walks with their dogs. A control group without dogs got the same diet and exercise recommendations. Not only did the dog owners lose more weight, they were happier. 

"What surprised us was how much fun the participants had. That isn't common in a weight control program," says obesity expert Dr. Robert Kushner, who designed the study. "They didn't say they felt deprived. Many participants said they wouldn't have entered the program or stayed in the program without the dog." 

Kushner and veterinarian Dr. Marty Becker wrote a book called Fitness Unleashed! A Dog and Owner's Guide to Losing Weight and Gaining Health Together (Three Rivers Press, 2006). This book is a healthy and sensible guide to dieting and exercise for both people and their dogs. 

For those of us who were never jocks, exercise can be intimidating. I can't imagine going to a gym full of hard-bodies. Walking my dog is a Lycra-free zone of acceptance. Because I'm focusing on my dog instead of myself, I feel free to take the risk of exercising my less than perfect body. 

People who exercise with their dogs have fun, no matter what their level of fitness may be. That's not always the case with other exercise plans. 

"You don't grow to love the StairMaster. No one talks to their free weights. In walking your dog, you develop a richer, deeper level with your dog," says Dr. Becker. While he was working on his book, he decided to practice what he preached and walk his dogs more. The result was a 42-pound weight loss for him. 

Pogo and I started out with one-mile walks. It's now common for us to log five or six miles. But I had a problem: though my two older dogs weren't up for the demands of longer, faster paced walks, I didn't want to leave my other buddies behind. My solution was to buy a pet stroller, a flashy red jogging model. I let the old dogs walk at their pace as far as they feel comfortable, and then put them in the stroller. Pogo and I pick up the pace and power walk the rest of the way. 

Points To Ponder

Our dogs don't wait to go have fun until their rear-ends are a certain size. We shouldn't either. 

We know that a round, short Pug is just as wonderful as a tall, slender Afghan Hound. We should accept our own kind of beauty so easily. 

The fact that some of us gain weight more easily than others is also explained in the world of dogs. As much as 70 percent of the risk factor for obesity in dogs can be traced to your dog's breed, according to Dr. Becker. Greyhounds and Whippets almost all stay naturally lean, while stocky breeds like the Labrador Retriever and Beagle tend to pack on the pounds. Still, with the right diet and exercise, dogs of all breeds can weigh the appropriate amount for their builds. 

Of course, my weight loss and Pogo's won't last if we don't keep our eating and exercise habits for the long term. Because of my dogs, I'm optimistic that I've made a true lifestyle change. I look at what I put into my mouth just as carefully as I always monitored what my dogs ate. 

And exercise? There is no personal trainer as demanding as Pogo. He expects fun every single day, rain or shine. I hope a lot of people and dogs will be inspired to come join us. Summer is here. It's the perfect time to snap on the leash and go for a walk. ■ 

Deborah Wood is the pet columnist for The Oregonian newspaper and the author of 11 books, including The Little Dogs Activity Book released in January. She lives in Portland, Oregon, with three Papillons and a cat, and follows the Weight Watchers program, attending their meetings weekly. 


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