사무실 폐종이를 연필로 만들어 주는 기계 Brilliant Device Turns Waste Paper Into Pencils(VIDEO)

edited by kcontents 



by Andrew Michler

If you often find yourself searching for a pencil, then this clever little device called the P&P Office Waste Processor will keep well stocked by quickly producing them from simple office waste paper. The device gobbles up your paper waste basket contents and spits fully formed pencils out at the press of a button. Learn more after the jump!

The designers make the clever connection between an office’s waste stream and supply needs with a satisfying design that produces something truly useful — if not perfunctorily named. The literature says you simply feed a sheet of paper into the top and the device will wrap it tightly around a graphite stick, adding a bit of glue to keep the paper together. Once ready, the freshly minted pencil pops out the side.

There are plenty of paper-based pencils on the market, so it seems the product is viable, but since the user needs to supply glue and graphite sticks there is some fiddling. A transparent cover allows you to see the operation which can be set for automated or manual (although they do not explain what that exactly means). The P&P will even pre-sharpen the pencil before spitting it out. The same hole is also an automatic pencil sharpener.

The award winning device by Chinese designers Chengzhu Ruan, Yuanyuan Liu, Xinwei Yuan and Chao Chen looks promising, but as of yet, it’s not in production. If this high tech device really does what it claims, it could be quite popular in schools or some offices where folks still use the low tech pencil. Only time will tell if the design makes it to the local office supply store, but we are crossing our fingers.



edited by kcontents

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