두바이 억만장자 '쉐이크 모하메드'의 호화 주차장 Sheikh to build six-storey car park in London for his 114 luxury cars..
Sheikh to build six-storey car park in London for his 114 luxury cars and five-star accommodation for chauffeurs and staff
Car park will be next to Battersea heliport so Sheik can fly in
Will feature two basement floors and six levels above ground
Neighbours worried about volume of traffic it will bring to area
They say his enormous wealth should not be put before local needs
두바이 통치자 억만장자인 '쉐이크 모하메드'
그의 런던의 호화 주차장 건립계획이 세계인의 주목을 끌고 있다.
이 호화주차장은 2개의 지하층과 6층의 지상주차장으로 구성돠어 있으며
그의 헬리포트 옆에 위치하고 있다. 모하메드 쉐이크가 보유한 114대의
세계최고가 자동차를 위한 주차시설이다.
이 주차장에는 기사들과 관리인들을 위한 5성급 호화숙소도 마련되어 있다.
인근 주민들은 이 주차장이 들어설 경우 교통체증을 우려하고 있으며
엄청난 부의 위력으로 자신들이 피해를 입어서는 안된다고 말한다.
Ki Chul Hwang 황기철
Conpaper Editor 콘페이퍼 에디터

Wealth:Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
and his wife Princess Haya of Jordan Royal Ascot
race meeting, plans to build six-storey car park
Another, Jane Helm, 52, said: ‘This sounds like another example of an enormously wealthy foreigner making big plans without thinking much about local people who just want to live in peace.

Plans: The car park would have two basement floors and six storeys above ground if planning permission is granted

Massive fleet: The Sheik has 114 cars that he hopes to park in six-storey building by the Thames
'The last thing we want is a Sheikh and his kids roaring in and out of a great big car park everyday.
‘If it’s as bad as we think it’s going to be, the whole area will be spoilt.’
Plans for the land were submitted by Smech Management Company, which is also behind the Sheikh’s proposed 16-bedroom mansion in the Scottish Highlands.

Planning proposal: Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, one of the world’s richest men, is looking to build a six-storey car park to house his fleet
The planning application was approved by councillors at Wandsworth Borough Council. No figure was given for the cost, but construction sources estimated it would cost about £4million to build up, three times as much to excavate the basements, and another ‘couple of million’ for any finishing touches, making an estimated total of nearly £20million.
However the source said: ‘That’s just the basic structure. Obviously it will be a lot more if he’s planning to cover it in marble.’
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