카메라 놀이하는 야생동물들 17 Funny Animals Appear to Be Taking Photos with Cameras

러시아의 사진작가 바딤 트루노브(Vadim Trunov)의 

절묘한 야생 캣치

Posted by Alice Yoo

Watch out, photographers! Looks like someone is trying to take your job! Over the past few years we've seen a number of hilarious photos of animals looking as if they're about to take pictures. Rather than being the subject of a photo, they want to be the one snapping it. And we're not just talking about domestic animals here like cats, we're talking wild animals like bears and raccoons. Even cute critters like squirrels and chipmunks are getting in on the act. In fact, who could forget Russian photographer Vadim Trunov's hilarious captures of those adorable red squirrels?

Today we've put together a compilation of 17 animals, or groups of animals, who appear to be taking photos with a photographer's camera. Now, if only they could press the button and actually shoot. Wouldn't that take it to the next level!

Via: Cutest Paw

Photo: Simon Roy

via: izismile

via: Wall321

Photo: Newscom

Photo: Mark Starr

Photo: Simon Roy

Photo: Megan Lorenz

Photo: Burrard-Lucas

Photo: Vadim Trunov

via: Pinteresting Pictures

Photo: Paul Kingston

Photo: John Sobey

Photo: Leopold Kanzler

Photo: Jim Lawrence

via: izismile


