아시아 최고의 비싼 아파트는? Asia's most expensive apartment is sold in Hong Kong(VIDEO)
홍콩 '39콘딧로드'
(39 Conduit Road,중국명 天匯) 아파트
중간층 3.3㎡당 4억7000만원 매매
source wiki
61B 39 Conduit Road. source ulsotsang.com.hk
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홍콩의 고급 아파트가 3.3㎡당 4억7000만원에 매매돼 아시아 최고가를 기록했다. 헨더슨(恒基兆業) 부동산그룹이 홍콩섬 미드레벨 지역에 소유한 호화아파트 '39콘딧로드'(중국명 天匯)의 45층에 있는 한 채가 최근 제곱피트당 9만3000 홍콩달러에 팔려 아시아 최고치를 경신했다고 사우스차이나모닝포스트가 3일 보도했다. 제곱피트당 매매 가격을 3.3㎡당 가격으로 환산하면 330만9000 홍콩달러(약 4억6600만원)에 달한다. 면적이 4664 제곱피트인 이 아파트의 매매 가격은 4억3380만 홍콩달러(610억8800만원)였다. 홍콩 정부는 최근 몇 년간 부동산 가격이 폭등하자 지난 2월 말부터 700만 홍콩달러(9억8600만 원) 미만 주택담보인정비율을 70%에서 60%로 하향 조정하는 등 조처에 나섰다. 정부 정책의 여파 등으로 지난달 홍콩 내 부동산 거래 건수가 6211건으로 전월보다 22.9% 줄었지만, 거래액은 572억 홍콩달러(8조531억원)로 20.2% 증가했다. 연합뉴스 |
Asia's most expensive apartment is sold in Hong Kong
Sandy Li Henderson Land Development sold a unit for a record high price for Asia to an unidentified buyer, underscoring the lofty price of property in Hong Kong, one of the most expensive in the region. Henderson sold a unit at 39 Conduit Road in the Mid-Levels section of Hong Kong for HK$93,000 per square foot, which is a record for Asia. An unidentified buyer paid HK$433.8 million for a 4,664 square-foot unit on the 45th floor of the building, according to the sales posted in the first-hand residential properties electronic platform. Despite the sale, home sales will continue to drop in Hong Kong as the banking regulator's tightening of mortgage lending has locked budget buyers out of the market, property analysts say. The Land Registry last month saw 6,211 transactions, including apartments, shops, offices and industrial units, a 22.9 per cent drop from February. "It's the lowest in 11 years," said Buggle Lau Ka-fai, chief analyst at Midland Realty. The poor showing in March reflects a slowing market in February as there is usually a four-week lag between closing a transaction and its registration. Lau said he expected sales volume to decrease further this month under the impact of the tougher mortgage rules. The loan-value ratio for residential properties under HK$7 million has been capped since late February at 60 per cent, from 60 to 70 per cent earlier, increasing deposits. Despite the drop in the numbers of transactions, total turnover increased 20.2 per cent to HK$57.2 billion in March, according to the report released by the Land Registry yesterday. Sales of new homes saw a month-on-month drop of 52.2 per cent to 735 last month. |
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