세계 최고 성장도시 호치민시, 억만장자가 무려..Forget New York and London... the fastest-growing cities for multi-millionaires are...

Forget New York and London... the fastest-growing cities for multi-millionaires are Ho Chi Minh City and Houston

But it was Fuzhou in China with the most impressive multi-millionaire growth rate: a whopping 450%

과거에는 중국의 푸저우에 슈퍼리치들이 가장 많았다.

New World Wealth compiled list of fastest-growing cities for the super-rich

Ho Chi Minh City has seen a 400% rise in multi-millionaires since 2004

However, it's Hong Kong that boasts 15,400 millionaires among its borders

이제 뉴욕이나 런던은 더 이상의 세계 부호들의 나라가 아니다.

베트남 호치민시와 미 휴스톤이 세계 백만장자들의 신흥 주거지로 부상하고 있다.

호치민시는 2004년 이래 무려 4배나 되는 슈퍼리치(억만장자)가 증가했다.

하지만 홍콩은 15,400명이나 되는 백만장자들을 자랑한다.

슈퍼리치와 백만장자들이 급속히 늘고 있는 아시아 나라는 호치민시 뿐 아니라 

인도네시아 자카르타, 인도 뭄바이 등이 있다.

이들 나라는 10년간 71%의 백만장자들이 증가했다.

Ki Chul Hwang 황기철 

Conpaper Editor 콘페이퍼 에디터


Ho Chi Minh City has just been named one of the fastest growing in the world among the super-rich, according to a new report.

Comparing cities over the past decade, New World Wealth has found Houston, Jakarta, Mumbai, and, of course, Ho Chi Mihn City, to be substantially rising in popularity, particularly among the world's most monied.

Over the past 10 years, the percentage of multi-millionaires globally has grown by 71 per cent, with an impressive 400 per cent rise coming from the Vietnamese city formerly known as Saigon.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, has seen 400 per cent growth as far as multi-millionaires calling the city home

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, has seen 400 per cent growth as far as multi-millionaires calling the city home

When it comes to nationwide statistics, South America boasted multi-millionaire growth of 265 per cent over the 10 year period, while Australia saw an increase of 190 per cent.

Among the emerging markets, Russia, China and Indonesia all similarly performed well.

China is currently home to 26,600 multi-millionaires, with Germany trailing behind at 25,400 and the United States topping the list with a whopping 183,500.

But as far as the highest-ranking cities, Hong Kong comes out on top with 15,400 multi-millionaires calling it home.

New York City follows with 14,300 multi-millionaires and London and Moscow are not far behind.


1. Hong Kong - 15,400 multi-millionaire residents

2. New York City - 14,300 multi-millionaire residents

3. London - 9,700 multi-millionaire residents

4. Moscow - 7,600 multi-millionaire residents

5. Los Angeles - 7,400 multi-millionaire residents

6. Singapore - 6,600 multi-millionaire residents

7. Chicago - 6,000 multi-millionaire residents

8. San Francisco - 6,000 multi-millionaire residents

9. Zurich - 5,600 multi-millionaire residents

10. Mexico City - 5,600 multi-millionaire residents

A new 10-year study from New World Wealth found Hong Kong to be home to the most millionaires: 15,400

A new 10-year study from New World Wealth found Hong Kong to be home to the most millionaires: 15,400

The concrete jungle of New York City follows closely and is home to 14,300 multi-millionaires

The concrete jungle of New York City follows closely and is home to 14,300 multi-millionaires

When it comes to nationwide statistics, South America boasted multi-millionaire growth of 265 per cent

When it comes to nationwide statistics, South America boasted multi-millionaire growth of 265 per cent

But it's Houston, Texas, that takes the title of being the most noteworthy American citiy on the list.

The state capital has seen an increase of 1,420 multi-millionaires in the last 10 years, while Seattle is up 330.

San Jose, California, Dallas, Texas, and San Francisco, California, have all likewise seen a jump in multi-millionaires of 50 per cent or more over the past decade.


IN ASIA PACIFIC: Ho Chi Minh City - 400% growth (2004-2014)

IN USA: Houston, Texas - 63% growth (2004-2014)

IN CHINA: Fuzhou - 450% growth (2004-2014)

IN SOUTH AMERICA: Sao Paulo - 296% growth (2004-2014)

In the United States, Houston, Texas, is now home to 1,420 more multi-millionaires than it was a decade ago

In the United States, Houston, Texas, is now home to 1,420 more multi-millionaires than it was a decade ago

In India, the cities of Pune (pictured), Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, and Hyderabad all saw spikes of 200% or more

In India, the cities of Pune (pictured), Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, and Hyderabad all saw spikes of 200% or more

But it was Fuzhou in China with the most impressive multi-millionaire growth rate: a whopping 450%

But it was Fuzhou in China with the most impressive multi-millionaire growth rate: a whopping 450%

In the Asia Pacific region, Jakarta, Indonesia also performed well, going from being the home of 280 multi-millionaires in 2004 to the home of 1,390 in 2014.

Meanwhile, in India, the cities of Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi and Chennai all saw spikes of 200 per cent or higher.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, China saw the greatest increase overall when it came to the amount of multi-millionaires calling its cities home.

For the purposes of the study, New World Wealth separated China out from the rest of the Asia Pacific region, largely due to the fact that so many of the world's millionaires are concentrated there.

However, much like Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, there were eight different Chinese cities that saw multi-millionaire growth of over 400 per cent, with the southeasterly city of Fuzhou leading the pack.


edited by kcontents

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