지금 즉시하면 좋은 것 5 Things That Will Instantly Make Your Life Better
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edited by kcontents
아침에 기상할 때 잠자리에서 일어나기 전에 오늘 감사해야 할 것 5가지를 적어보라. 이렇게 하면 잠을 깨면서 마치 새들의 노래 소리가 들리는 것 같은 느낌이 들 것이다. 앞으로 4주 동안 매일 이렇게 해보라. 그리고 한 달 후 당신의 삶이 어떻게 변했는지 보라. 하루 5분 동안... 편안하게 똑바로 앉아 눈을 부드럽게 감은 뒤 호흡에 신경을 집중해 보라. 심호흡을 하면서 가슴과 배가 차오르는 감각을 느껴보라. 천천히 숨을 내쉬면 가슴과 배가 정상으로 돌아오면서 편안한 느낌이 든다. 마음이 어지러울 때 자신을 비난하거나 판단하지 말고 이런 심호흡에 초점을 맞춰보라. 이런 심호흡을 2주 동안 매일 해보라. 좋아하는 노래를 들어라 ‘왜 나는 창의적이지 못할까’라는 등의 생각이 들 때는 노래를 들어보라. 분위기를 바꿔주거나 영감을 주는 노래들이 있다. 또는 당신의 마음을 편안하게 해주는 노래들을 골라 들어보라. 누군가에게 진심어린 찬사를... 입맛에 딱 맞는 커피를 만드는 회사 근처 커피전문점의 바리스타일수도 있고, 늘 미소를 짓고 있는 회사 동료 직원일수도 있다. 하루에 한명이라도 누군가를 칭찬하거나 찬사를 보내보라. 당신의 마음도 푸근해질 것이다. 코메디닷컴 권순일 기자 (kstt77@kormedi.com) |
5 Things That Will Instantly Make Your Life Better
Rebecca Perkins Here's a little exercise that will improve your life immediately. These tips are simple heartfelt ideas that I've used on many occasions when I've needed to instantly feel better. 5 Tips to Immediately Improve your Life 1. Before you get out of bed (or before you fall asleep) make a list in a notebook of five things you are grateful for in your life today. It might be the birdsong you hear on waking, or the comfortable bed you sleep in at night. It might be that you can glimpse the sun shining through your curtains. It might be knowing that you are moments away from a cup of tea. Keep this up every day for the next four weeks and notice how your life changes. (It will by the way!) 2. Spend five minutes in mindful meditation. Sit comfortably upright or lie on a blanket on the floor, making sure that you are warm. Gently close your eyes and focus your attention on your breath. Breathe in fully and feel the sensation of your chest and belly rising. Release your breath slowly and fully feeling your chest and belly return to resting. Your mind will wander, this is normal, simply bring your focus back to your breath without criticizing or judging yourself. Continue in this way for 5 minutes or so. Commit to doing this everyday for two weeks. Make a note of how you get on and see what you notice. 3. Play your very favorite song from your feel good playlist ... you do have one, don't you?! If you don't then why not create one? You can see a selection from my playlist at the end of my book Best Knickers Always: 50 Lessons for midlife. How does music change your mood? Which song and artist do you turn to for inspiration? Which do you turn to for comfort? 4. Choose something from your wardrobe that makes you feel good, something that has positive, happy memories obviously for me that means Best Knickers. Always! Do you have a photograph of yourself feeling fabulous in your favorite item of clothing? How different do you feel when you make the effort to wear something that makes you feel good about yourself? 5. Make the decision to give someone a truly heartfelt compliment today. It might be the barista at your local coffee shop who makes coffee just the way you like it. It might be a colleague who always seems to smile easily. It might be your child who did as you asked without making a fuss! See what happens when you compliment them. Begin like this, 'I really like it that you...' How different will your life be in four weeks time if you commit to doing these five things consistently? Will you do it? Why not keep a note of how you feel every few days. Sometimes when we're feeling a bit down in the dumps or we've had a rubbish day this is the best time to follow these five tips. They help us get a different perspective on how we're feeling. Worth a go? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rebecca-perkins/things-that-will-instantly-make-your-life-better_b_6815080.html |
edited by kcontents
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