2022년 카타르 월드컵 동계 개최로 냉방시설 필요없을 듯 Qatar 2022 World Cup stadiums may not need cooling

피파, 2022년 11·12월 개최

40도 웃도는 한여름 피하기로

유럽, 시즌중 한달 쉬어야 할판

피파, 클럽들에 2350억 지원 예정

한국·일본 리그 등은 피해 없어

The Lusail stadium will host 80,000 fans during the opening a closing matches of the 2022 FIFA World 

Cup in Qatar.  개 폐막식을 거행할  8만 관중 수용  '루사일 월드컵 경기장'


edited by kcontents 



 2022 카타르월드컵이 북반구 지역에선 최초로 겨울에 열리게 됐다. 한여름 기온이 40도를 웃도는 6~7월에 대회를 개최하겠다는 애초 계획은 무리수임이 드러났다. 카타르 유치위원회 쪽이나 개최지를 선정한 국제축구연맹(FIFA) 모두 머쓱하게 됐다. 카타르월드컵은 기후환경뿐 아니라 선정 과정에서의 매표 의혹, 경기장 건설에 투입된 이주노동자 혹사 논란으로 곱지 않은 시선을 받아왔다.

국제축구연맹 집행위원회는 스위스 취리히에서 열린 회의 뒤 “2022년 카타르월드컵 결승전을 카타르의 건국일인 12월18일에 치르기로 했다”고 발표했다. 집행위원회는 “대회 기간도 28일 정도로 줄이겠다”고 덧붙였다. 대회 기간이 나흘 줄어든 28일이 되면 개막식 날짜는 11월21일이 될 것으로 보인다.

출처 한겨레뉴스 발췌

Qatar 2022 World Cup stadiums may not need cooling


by Carlin Gerbich on Mar 31, 2015 

A senior technical advisor working for the 2022 world cup organising committee has said that a winter tournament in Qatar may not require the stadium cooling systems proposed in the bid for a summer competition.

FIFA earlier this month ruled that the 2022 World Cup will be held in November-December, with the final being staged on December 18. That means the tournament will be held in the Middle East winter where average temperatures in the Gulf state are around 23-26°C, vastly cooler than the summer months which average 39-41°C and can peak in the high 40s – with humidity hovering at 91%.

Speaking to newswire Reuters, Dario Cadavid, technical assurance and integration manager at Qatar’s 2022 Supreme Committee for deliver and Legacy said; "The temperatures are lower in the winter so the demand for cooling will be lower.”

"It's very possible that during that time of the year that cooling isn't required for the winter," he added.

While many critics suggested that holding the tournament during the summer would present huge challenges, Qatar officials have maintained that it had the technology in hand to deal with the issue. The country even took the unprecedented step of having a 500-seat scale model stadium, called the Qatar Showcase, built to show how they were going to tackle the issue.

The system used solar panels outside to collect energy from the sun which was then used to power an absorption chiller to cool water to 6°C. That was then used to cool air before it was blown through the stadium – through perforated seats and outlets which then allowed cool air to flow from top level seats, down to the pitch where temperatures could be maintained at below 27°C.

A rotating canopy also helped to keep the sun off spectators. While players in peak condition can condition themselves to work at almost any temperature, fans are unlikely to do so.

"In order to provide safety for the players we need to provide a temperature between 26 and 29 degrees... our target is 26 degrees," he said.

Work on the system will continue regardless of whether it will be used or not. Cadavid said that the cooling systems were the “legacy” part of the bid, and that Qatar wants the stadiums to be available for local leagues throughout the year.

He also said that each of the stadiums used will be fitted with the system when constructed.

"It's more difficult to put in the systems after the stadiums are finished... it becomes more expensive and complex because the cooling system is integrated so that needs to happen now."


edited by kcontents

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