세계 최단신 보디빌더 트랜스젠더와 열애 중 'I feel like the luckiest man in the world': Record-breaking dwarf bodybuilder finds..(VIDEO)
'I feel like the luckiest man in the world': Record-breaking dwarf bodybuilder finds love with 6'3'-tall transgender woman
Anton Kraft, 52, is a world record bodybuilder, stands at 4ft 4in
He is dating 6'3' China Bell, a transgender woman from Florida
Says the unlikely pairing is his inspiration to break more records
Claims he has 'technically died' five times in his 10 years of weightlifting
세계 최단신 보디빌더 '안톤 크래프트'
52세인 그의 키는 겨우 130cm다.
그가 지금 미 플로리다 출신 187cm 트랜스젠더와 열애에 빠졌다.
그는 지난 10년간 역기를 들면서 5번 죽을 뻔 했다고 주장한다.
Ki Chul Hwang 황기철
Conpaper Editor 콘페이퍼 에디터
As the only man in the world to lift four times his own body weight, Anton Kraft is pound-for-pound the strongest man in the world.
The 4'4' dwarf, who resides in Florida, has lifted as much as 36 stone.
With women, he is no less ambitious.
Kraft , 52, only dates women who are more than a foot taller than he is. For the past six months he has been dating 6'3' China Bell.
Bell, 43, who was born male and has since transitioned, admits she was unsure when he first asked her out but was quickly bowled over by his weightlifting skills.
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It's love: Anton Kraft, from Denmark, has found love with China Bell, a transgender woman from Florida

Enamored: Bell, right, says she was bowled over by Kraft's record-breaking weightlifting abilities

'The tide is turning': Kraft said one day their unlikely pairing will not be so unusual

Pushing himself to the limit: Kraft claims he has technically died five times in the past 10 years
'I think Anton's weightlifting is so sexy because I think he's sexy - when you hold a world heavyweight title, that means a lot,' Bell said.
'I've never dated a 4'4" guy and I was just so curious. I'm glad I gave him a chance because he's an amazing person.
'I'm different and he's different, and where we're from, different is good.'
In 10 years of power lifting, Kraft claims to have the highest bench press record of all time for his weight class.
But it seems he may have pushed his body too far.
He says he has 'technically died' five times before being resuscitated - ranging from drowning to falling out of a window.

Happy: As he strives to break another record, having already lifted 36 stone, Kraft says Bell is his inspiration

Adored: He is something of a celebrity on the bodybuilding scene, pictured here at a convention

Preparing: Here he is pictured with two workout partners at a gym in Homestead, Florida, where he trains
Doctors also fear he may have a heart attack if he keeps up his all-action lifestyle.
Kraft is undeterred.
'Some people say that what I do is weakness, or micro-man syndrome - that I want to do something that I am not built for, to prove something,' he said.
'But I believe there's only one winner - second is first loser. Second doesn't count.
'Overall, I am one of the five strongest guys in the world, regardless of height and weight.
'And I am the only guy in the world who has ever benched four-times his body weight.'

Kraft says he loves Bell for her overt femininity and believes Florida is accepting of relationships like theirs

Both of them say they have never felt better than when they were in this relationship
His driving force, he says, is his girlfriend.
'We used to walk against the current, but the current has changed,' he says.
'Florida is one the states that have same-sex marriage - and both of us are basically the same sex.
'I enjoy dating a transgender woman because she was born a male and is doing the utmost to become as feminine as possible.
'I find that most women born as women do not spend as much time on their appearance.
'Right now I feel like I'm the luckiest man on the planet - we are all happy and good and I have never felt better than I do now - and that would be thanks to China.'
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