프랑스 검찰, “獨 사고기, 부조종사가 고의로 추락시켰을 가능성” French prosecutor says pilot deliberately crashed plane
First picture: Germanwings co-pilot - 28-year-old German Andreas Günter Lubitz (above) - locked his
captain out of the cockpit before deliberately crashing into a mountain to 'destroy the plane',
it has been revealed
고의로 비행기를 추락시킨 혐의를 받고 있는 부기장 'Andreas Günter Lubitz'
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독일의 저가항공(LCC) 저먼윙스 에어버스 A320이 추락한 사고와 관련, 프랑스 검찰은 26일, 부조종사가 단독으로 강하 버튼을 눌러 고의로 추락시켰을 가능성이 높다고 발표했다. 테러로 간주할 근거는 없다고 밝혔다. 프랑스 언론에 따르면 독일국적의 안드레아스 루비치 부조종사(28세). 추락 당시 조종실 안에 혼자 있었으며 기장이 들어가려는 것을 거부했다고 한다. 보이스리코더(음성기록장치) 분석에 근거해 이같이 보도했다. 프랑스의 항공사고조사국은 이를 더 조사해 기체의 급강하 등 추락과의 관계를 규명할 예정이다. 프랑스 남부의 추락현장 부근에서는 26일, 희생자 가족들의 방문이 본격적으로 시작됐다. 당국은 수색작업을 계속했다. 미국의 뉴욕타임스 인터넷판은 25일, 조종사 1명이 조종실에서 밖으로 나간 뒤 자리로 돌아오지 못하고 문이 잠겨 밖에 있었던 상태였을 가능성이 있다고 보도했다. 프랑스 공공라디오도 이를 확인했다. ‘문이 잠겨 밖에 있던 상태’가 고의적인 것인지 우발적인 것인지 여부는 불분명하다. 뉴욕타임스에 따르면 사고조사에 관여하고 있는 프랑스군 고위간부는 조종사 1명이 퇴실할 때까지 “(2명의 대화는) 매우 자연스럽고 침착한 상태였다”고 설명. 그러나, 조종사가 1명이 된 뒤 기체는 급강하하기 시작했으며 약 8분 뒤 추락했다. 여객기 조종실 문에는 일단 닫히면 자동적으로 잠기는 장치가 돼 있지만 저먼윙스는 추락기 문의 개폐시스템에 대해 밝히지 않겠다고 말했다. 추락 당시 조종사가 관제실에 구조신호를 보내지 않았다. 기내에 급격한 압력강하가 발생해 조종실에 있던 조종사가 의식을 잃었을 가능성도 지적되고 있지만, 항공사고조사국은 25일, 부정적인 견해를 제시했다. [파리, 뉴욕 교도] |
Co-pilot, said to have no terrorism links, was alone at plane's
controls and intentionally slammed it into mountainside.
The co-pilot of a Germanwings flight that slammed into an Alpine mountainside "intentionally" sent the plane into its doomed descent, a French prosecutor has said. Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said on Thursday that the commander left the cockpit, presumably to go to the lavatory, and then was unable to regain access. In the meantime, he said, co-pilot Andreas Lubitz manually and "intentionally" set the plane on the descent that drove it into the mountainside in the southern French Alps. It was the co-pilot's "intention to destroy this plane," Robin said. The information was pulled from the black box cockpit voice recorder, but Robin said the co-pilot did not say a word after the commanding pilot left the cockpit. "It was absolute silence in the cockpit," he said. He was happy he had the job with Germanwings and he was doing well ... He gave off a good feeling. Peter Ruecker, glider club member
During the final minutes of the flight's descent, pounding could be heard on the door as alarms sounded, he said. Meanwhile, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said that current information suggested that the co-pilot had no links to terrorism. "According to the current state of knowledge and after comparing information that we have, he does not have a terrorist background," he said. In the German town of Montabaur, acquaintances said Lubitz was in his late twenties and showed no signs of depression when they saw him last fall as he renewed his glider pilot's license. "He was happy he had the job with Germanwings and he was doing well," said a member of the glider club, Peter Ruecker, who watched him learn to fly. "He gave off a good feeling." Lubitz had obtained his glider pilot's license as a teenager, and was accepted as a Lufthansa pilot trainee after finishing a tough German college preparatory school, Ruecker said. He described Lubitz as a "rather quiet" but friendly young man. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/03/prosecutor-french-alps-plane-crash-intentional-150326115612123.html |
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