페이스북, '종합 플랫폼'으로 진화한다 Facebook Launches Messenger Platform For Content Tools And Chat With Businesses
source techcrunch.com
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소셜 네트워크 서비스(SNS) 페이스북이 영향력을 확장하기 위해 메신저 서비스 중심에서 콘텐츠·메시징·상거래 등을 아우르는 종합 플랫폼으로 진화한다. 마크 저커버그 페이스북 최고경영자는 25일(현지시간) 미국 샌프란시스코에서 열리는 ‘F8 2015’ 개발자 회의 개막 기조연설에서 ‘메신저 플랫폼’을 발표하고 소프트웨어 개발자 도구(SDK)를 공개했다. 이는 앱 개발자들이 개발한 앱을 페이스북 메신저 서비스에 연동시키고 이용자들은 메신저를 통해 각종 서비스를 간편하게 사용할 수 있게 된 셈이다. 예를 들어 쇼핑몰이 페이스북 메신저 플랫폼을 이용할 경우 배송 안내나 반품 신청 접수 등을 메신저 채팅 형식으로 보내줄 수 있다. 이날 공식으로 출범한 메신저 플랫폼의 파트너는 ▲ESPN ▲더 웨더 채널 ▲디티 ▲집잽 ▲지피 ▲플립립 보이스 체인저 ▲밈스 ▲픽콜라지 지프 캠 등 40여 개사이며 더 늘어날 것으로 보인다. 또한 페이스북은 전방위 360도 입체 비디오를 지원하기로 했다. 이날 마크 저커버그 페이스북 CEO는 24개의 카메라를 이용해 촬영한 전방위 입체영상을 시연했다. 가상현실(VR) 헤드셋을 착용하면 관찰 시점과 방향을 마음대로 바꿔가며 촬영한 영상을 볼 수 있다. 저커버그는 "VR의 경우 게임보다 비디오가 더 몰입감이 있다"며 VR 비디오 콘텐츠의 중요성을 부각했다. 이밖에 페이스북은 비디오 광고 장터 ‘라이브레일’(LiveRail)을 확대 개편한다고 발표했다. 라이브레일은 그동안 비디오 광고만 다뤘으나 이번 개편으로 페이스북 모바일 디스플레이 광고 전부를 다루게 된다. 이를 계기로 페이스북은 실시간 입찰 기술이 최대 강점인 라이브레일을 이용해 모바일 광고 전반에 확대하며 수익 극대화를 이룰 전망이다. 한편 페이스북은 지난 2007년부터 지난해까지 F8 회의를 5차례 열었지만 매년 실시하지는 않았다. 그러나 올해 회의에서 ‘연례행사’라는 표현을 사용하며 앞으로는 매년 진행할 것임을 시사했다. 에너지경제 이수일 기자lsi@ekn.kr |
Facebook Launches Messenger Platform For Content Tools And Chat With Businesses
Today at its F8 conference, Facebook announced its new Messenger Platform that will allow its 600 million users to create and share content with third-party tools, and communicate directly with businesses rather than calling or emailing them. The content tools platform and apps from initial partners including ESPN, JibJab, and Giphy, will become in an Messenger update available today. Facebook is working with a limited set of partners for business chat, which will roll out sometime in the future.
Facebook today released an SDK to help developers start building experiences for Messenger.
The announcement confirms my scoop from last week that Facebook would launch a Messenger Platform focused on content. Facebook Messenger head David Marcus tells me “In the West, it’s the first messaging platform at the scale of 600 million-plus users that’s opened up to developers.”
Facebook also launched a slew of new capabilities for Parse developers, advertisers, websites, and the News Feed. You can see all the announcements in our “Everything Facebook Launched At F8″ page.
Messenger Content Apps
The Messenger content apps will be accessible from a triple-dot button in the composer next to options to add photos or stickers. Users will be able to get deeplinked into their phone’s app store to download these Messenger companion apps.
From there, users can create content like animated GIFs and special effects-laden videos, or discover content, and then instantly share it to friends through Messenger. Each piece of content sent through the platform includes an attribution link to what app it was made with. A recipient can click to download or open that app and reply with a piece of content.
Initial Messenger content app partners include ESPN, Bitmoji, JibJab, Legend, Ultratest, Ditty, Giphy, FlipLip, ClipDis, Memes, PicCollage, Kanvas, JJ Abrams’ studio Bad Robot’s Action Mobie FX, Boostr, Camoji, Cleo Video Texting, Clips, Dubsmash, Effectify, EmotionAR, EMU, Fotor, Gif Keyboard, GifJam, Hook’d, Imgur, Imoji, Keek, Magisto, Meme Generator, Noah Camera, Pic Stitch, PingTank, Score! on Friends, Selfied, Shout, StayFilm, Facebook Stickered, Strobe, Tackl, Talking Tom, Tempo, The Weather Channel, to.be Camera, and Wordeo.
Rather than add the functionality of these apps directly into Messenger, which might make it feel cluttered and confusing, Messenger platform apps are their own separate companion apps.
“If we added a 10th to the capabilities [directly to Messenger] that we’ve added with partners today, it would make it really slow” Marcus tells me. “If you don’t want to use those things, you’re not forced to…because those experiences don’t live inside of Messenger. It’s not like the overall experience of the app is getting very bloated.”
To select the partners, Marcus says Facebook employees starting testing creative expression apps, picked their favorites, and reached out. He says almost ever “almost every single one of them rose to the occasion and built something in record time for this.” And Marcus believes that since only users can send messages, not apps by themselves, spam won’t be a problem.
By creating more vivid ways to share, Messenger could differentiate itself from SMS and competing messaging apps like WeChat, Line, Kik, KakaoTalk, and Google’s messenger. While Facebook doesn’t monetize Messenger directly, usage drives lock-in with its social network and News Feed where it makes money by showing ads.
Customer-To-Business Chat
Facebook is also aiming to use Messenger to reinvent communication with businesses. The idea is that people hate touch-tone phone tree customer service calls. Endless email threads are annoying too. People would rather just text asynchronously in a single chat thread.
To allow that Facebook is working with an initial set of partners including Everlane and Zulily to change how people contact them. For example, if you buy something through Everlane, but want to modify, track, or return your order, you’ll be able to contact the business through Messenger.
And rather than getting individual emails about order confirmation and your order shipping, you’ll be able to opt to get those messages in Messenger.
Customer support will be permitted over Messenger thanks to an integration with ZenDesk. Businesses that already use live chat systems for customer support will be able to run that communication over Messenger.
Business will also be able to deliver push notifications to customers through Messenger, even if the merchant doesn’t have its own app. Businesses who want access to these features can apply here.
Not only could absorbing formerly clumsy customer-to-business communication drive platform lock-in, it could give Facebook valuable insight into commerce. The more Facebook knows about what you buy and what businesses you interact with, the better it can target its ads and tune its News Feed content.
As for what Facebook will do to monetize the business chat side of the platform, Marcus tells me “Right now, nothing. But I think that over time if we solve that problem for consumers, if we’re able to allow merchants and businesses to reach their customers in a better way and grow their businesses by doing that, we’ll figure out a good business model. It will be legitimate because we solve problems for both constituents.”
A New App Discovery Channel
While Messenger’s platform could increase engagement with Facebook and help users express themselves and solve customer support problems, it could also have a huge impact on app developers.

Messenger’s David Marcus
Right now, the app stores are overrun with crap and it’s hard to find high-quality products. Messenger’s platform will create a curated way to discover great apps, giving developers the exposure they need to build their businesses.
Marcus explains that the two big problems the Messenger content app platform solves are “1. It’s not easy to discover apps, and 2. It’s normally hard to share.” Even if you have an app already, you have to go find and open it, create something, save it to your camera roll, then find the right messaging thread, upload the piece of content, and share it. Marcus insists “We’ve shortened the distance between creating or finding great content, and sharing it with your friends.”
Facebook knew that to become the world’s top messaging app, it couldn’t do all the work itself. By tapping third-party developers and businesses to enhance it with content and business correspondence, Messenger becomes more than just a chat app. It becomes a communication layer between you and the whole world.
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