'양궁 신동' 인도 2살 여아, 최연소 우승 신기록 Indian two-year-old sets national archery record(VIDEO)

edited by kcontents 



 조그만 체구의 어린아이가 활시위를 당깁니다.

지지대를 밟고 올라가 과녁에 꽂힌 활까지 직접 뽑습니다.

이제 겨우 2살인 돌리 체루쿠리는 천부적인 자질을 발휘해 양궁 신기록을 달성했습니다.

이틀 전 인도 동남부 안드라 프레디시 주에서 열린 양궁 대회에 참가해 5m, 7m에서 금메달을 차지한 겁니다.

돌리는 이 날 총 72발을 쏘아서 200점을 획득했습니다.

역대 최연소 우승 기록을 세워서 인도판 기네스북 '인디아 북 오브 레코즈'에도 올랐는데요.

돌리 부모는 2004년 첫째 딸을 잃고 6년 뒤 국가대표 양궁선수 겸 코치였던 아들이 교통사고로 숨지자 대리 임신을 통해 늦둥이 딸을 얻었습니다.

양궁 아카데미를 운영하는 아버지는 "딸이 우리에게 오게 됐을 때부터 양궁선수로 키우기로 결심했다"고 말했습니다.

SBS | 노유진 기자


Indian two-year-old sets national archery record


A two-year-old Indian girl has set a new national record in archery, according to the India Book of Records.

Dolly Shivani Cherukuri from Vijaywada in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh - who turns three next week - became the youngest Indian to score more than 200 points at a trial event on Tuesday, reports the Press Trust of India.

She fired 36 arrows at a target 5m away, then again at a target 7m away, making a total of 388 points.

Her achievement was witnessed by senior sports personalities and India Book of Records officials. 

"We are all very proud of her. We are very impressed," Archery Association of India official Gunjan Abrol told the BBC. 

Dolly was conceived through surrogacy after the death of her brother, international archer and coach Cherukuri Lenin, in a road accident in 2010 reports said. 

Her father, Cherukuri Satyanarayana, said she had been trained since birth to be a champion.

"When we came to know that the baby was on her way we decided to mould her as an archer," news agency AFP quoted Mr Satyanarayana, who runs an archery academy in Vijaywada, as saying.

"The preparations started when she was in the womb itself," he added.

Mr Satyanarayana said they had arrows specially made for the toddler out of carbon when she was first learning the sport to ensure they were light enough for her to carry.

Archery experts say children are trained on lighter bows and Mr Abrol says Dolly's bow would also have been very light.

"You can't put too much pressure on children, they can be trained for a maximum of two or three hours a day," he said. "But Dolly comes from a family of archers so she's capable of a lot."

Photographs released by India Book of Records showed the toddler posing with her gold medal and certificate.

"My daughter achieved the feat we have been dreaming... I can't express in words how happy my family is," Mr Satyanarayana told PTI.

He said they would now try to get Dolly's name entered into the Guinness Book of World Records. 



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