세계 최장 '룽어우쾌속철도'(蓉歐快鐵) 등 중국 4대 국제 화물열차 First direct China-Spain freight train arrives in Madrid(VIDEO)
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신화망(新華網) 보도에 따르면 헤이룽장(黑龍江)성 성도 하얼빈(哈爾濱) 샹팡(香坊)역에서 러시아의 Biklyan역을 연결하는 최초의 중국·유럽 열차가 지난 2월 28일 운행을 시작했다. 10일 후면 석유탐사설비를 실은 이 화물열차는 빈저우(濱洲)선을 경유하고 총 6578㎞를 달려 종착역에 도착한다. 빈저우선(1898~1901년 부설)은 일명 중국 동성(東省)철도 서부선이라고 부르는데, 하얼빈 역에서 만저우리(滿洲里)역을 잇는 1004㎞ 구간이다. 만저우리 세관에서 출국한 후, 다시 러시아의 시베리아 대철도의 5574㎞를 달려 Biklyan역에 도착한다. 이 철도는 중국의 이다이이루(一帶一路: 육상 및 해상 실크로드 구축) 전략 계획 가운데, ‘중국·몽골·러시아 경제회랑’의 헤이룽장 실크로드 경제벨트 건설의 일환으로, 쑤이펀허(綏芬河)·만저우리 등 2개 국경철도 세관을 토대로, 중국·러시아 간 동부 대간선철도를 개통한 것이다. 이미 개통된 라오닝성의 잉커우(營口)와 성도 선양(瀋陽)시, 톈진(天津)시, 장쑤성 쑤저우(蘇州), 후베이성 성도 우한(武漢), 쓰촨성 성도 청두(成都)에서 독일·폴란드·체코·러시아 등으로 중국·유럽, 중국·아시아 열차 7편을 운행하고 있는데, 누적 수출입 화물컨테이너는 1만3000대, 표준 컨테이너로는 2만6000개에 달하며 화물 총액은 10억 달러를 넘었다. 하얼빈 철도국 관계자는 이번 중국·유럽 열차 이용 시에는 운임 26% 할인 혜택을 주고 있으며, 하얼빈 세관과 헤이룽장성 수출입검사검역국에서는 ‘녹색통로’(綠色通道, 간단하고 신속히 수속 완료 가능) 개설 등의 편의를 제공하고 있다고 밝혔다. 이번 국제화물 열차편으로 화물을 수송할 때는 헤이룽장성에서 러시아 중부지방까지 항공운송을 이용할 경우보다 운임의 3/4 정도를 절약할 수 있으며, 일반 분산운송 보다 수송시간은 2/3이상을 단축하고 운임도 25% 이상 절약할 수 있다고 한다. [글로벌이코노믹] 윤상준 기자 myg2323@ |
First direct China-Spain freight train arrives in Madrid
By Afp
The first freight train to link China directly to Spain arrived in Madrid on Tuesday after covering over 13,000 kilometres (8,000 miles) in a test run of a planned regular service between the two nations.
The train departed Yiwu in eastern China, a major wholesale centre for small consumer goods, on November 18 and passed through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, and France during its 21-day trip.
The newly operational route is the longest railway route in the world, longer still than Russia's famous Transsiberian railway linking Moscow to Vladivostok near Russia's border with China.

The "Yixin'ou" 82-wagon cargo train arrives at the Abronigal railway station in Madrid on December 9, 2014 ⓒPierre-Philippe Marcou (AFP)
The journey time was over ten days shorter than if the goods transported by the train had been shipped by sea, Spain's public works ministry said.
The train's 40 shipping containers transported goods made in Zhejiang province, including spinning tops for children and cutting tools. The train will return to China with wine, olive oil and cured ham.
Speaking at a ceremony in Madrid, Li Qiang, the governor of China's Zhejiang province where Yiwu is located, said the route was important to "implement the strategy of developing a new 'silk road'".
China has a regular direct freight train service to Germany, Europe's largest economy.
One route links the Chinese megacity of Chongqing to Duisburg, a steel-making town and one of Germany's most-important transportation and commercial hubs.
The other route links Beijing, the Chinese capital, to Hamburg, Germany's second-largest city.
The plan is to create a similar regular route between China and Spain, Spanish Public Works Minister Ana Pastor told reporters after the train arrived at a logistical centre near Madrid's main railway station.
The Spanish capital already is "a European and international distribution hub" with good links to both Africa and Latin America, she said.
Euro Cargo Rail, a subsidiary of German freight operator DB Shenker Rail, is studying the possibility of starting a regular service between China and Spain during the first half of next year with two monthly trips.
Roughly 80 percent of global trade is shipped by boat as freight train service faces several technical and bureaucratic hurdles which vary according to country.
The goods on the train which arrived in Madrid for example had to be transferred to different wagons at three points during the trip because of incompatible track gauges in different countries.
But rail transport is less expensive, more environmentally friendly and faster than maritime shipping, according to DB Shenker Rail.
China is the European Union's biggest source of imports, according to the European Commission.

The "Yixin'ou" cargo train arrives at the Abronigal railway station in Madrid on December 9, 2014, after traveling 13,000 kilometres from Yiwu, China ⓒPierre-Philippe Marcou (AFP)
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