세계 38곳에서 웨딩마치 올린 곡예사 커플 Adventurous Acrobat Couple Gets Married in 38 Different Places Around the World in 83 Days
83일간 세계를 돌면서 무려 38곳에서 웨딩마치를 올린 곡예사 커플
미국의 치타 플랫은 여친 리안 우드야드에게 프로포즈 후에 커다란 배낭
하나씩만 짊어진 채 한사람당 3000불만 쓰는 조건으로
미국 로스앤젤레스에서 콜롬비아로 향하는 비행기에 몸을 실었다.
이후 83일 동안 12개국 38개 지역의 유명 관광지를 돌며 결혼 세리모니를 했다.
평균 소요비용 25,200불에 훨씬 못미치는 알뜰한여행이었다.
케이콘텐츠 kcontents
Posted by Jenny Zhang
After Cheetah Platt proposed to his girlfriend Rhiann Woodyard, the pair was having trouble picking a theme or idea for their wedding, so they decided to celebrate their marriage with multiple weddings around the world! Through eight months of careful planning and research, the couple managed to book flights to 12 different countries for less than $3,000 per person—a minuscule cost compared to the average wedding cost of $25,200 in the US. Add in the amazing experiences, photos, and memories that they were bound to collect on their travels, and it was a no-brainer for Cheetah and Rhiann to choose a worldwide wedding over a conventional ceremony in California.
On February 8, the couple left Los Angeles to embark on their three-month journey, with the goal of getting married 38 times over the course of 83 days. They carried only their backpacks, a camera, and a wedding dress and tuxedo that cost $100 each. Since the start of their wedding tour, they have been married in Thailand, Colombia, Morocco, Egypt, India, and several other countries. They both got ordained online, so they can marry themselves at each location in a ceremony that takes only a few minutes. Their experience is even more extraordinary because both husband and wife are professional acrobats, so many of their photos depict the two in wild, gravity-defying poses as they lock lips.
After traveling to nearly all of the seven continents (Antarctica is out because it's too expensive to go there), Cheetah and Rhiann will return home, where they plan to hold a final wedding ceremony with their family and friends so they can be legally married in California. The couple are excited to show their photos to their loved ones, many of whom are keeping up with their whirlwind journey through social media and donating money through their registryto pay for travel experiences instead of traditional gifts like toasters or linens.
"A lot of women spend a whole lot of time and stress and money on their one day, and then it's over," Rhiann toldBuzzFeed. "I love that I get to marry [Platt] over and over again. It's exciting that it's not just done in one day." Cheetah added, "It was exactly what I wanted, to travel the world with my wife and marry her again and again and again in so many different ways. That was perfect for me."
Above: Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

Rhiann and Cheetah on Honeyfund
via [Bored Panda], [BuzzFeed]
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