화분에 적당히 골고루 오래동안 물 주는 기발한 방법 Adorable Little Clouds Delightfully Water Potted Houseplants

화분에 적당히 골고루 오래동안 물 주는 방법

사진에서와 같이 화분 위의 플라스틱통에 물을 부어 놓으면 

아래 구멍을 통해서 아주 천천히 오래동안 골고루 화분에 

물을 줄 수가 있다.

'Rainy Pots'이라 불리는 이 제품은 현재 인터넷  Singeek에서 

18불에 판매되고 있다.

케이콘텐츠 kcontents 

Posted by Kelcee Griffis

In a whimsical twist that brings the great outdoors inside, this little cloud waters your hanging houseplants. The innovative wall hanging is comprised of a resin pot attached to a blue or green backing. Above the pot, a water filtering system disguised as a whimsical cloud hovers over the plant. When water is poured into the reservoir, at the top of the cloud, water drops are dispensed onto the upturned leaves below. Functionally, the adorable planters are useful because they let you hang small pots on your wall, while creatively, they eliminate the need for a watering can.

These charming Rainy Pots, which sell for about $18 from retailer Singeek, are perfect for urban residents who lack outdoor green space and who want to add a splash of nature’s liveliness to their rooms. They're also great for busy homeowners who need a little help keeping their houseplants alive.

Singeek Amazon page
via [Bored Panda]

edited by kcontents

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