몽생미셸섬 연결 코즈웨이 Le Mont-Saint-Michel, France : New Causeway(VIDEO)

Le Mont-Saint-Michel, France : New Causeway
French Causeway : Bridge & footbridge – design by Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

몽생미셸섬 연결 코즈웨이
* 코즈웨이: 얕은 높이의 교량 구조물

Le Mont-Saint-Michel Causeway
Design: Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes
Dietmar Feichtinger가  1989년 파리에 세운 오스트리아 설계회사

Le Mont-Saint-Michel becomes an island – Have a look on the work in progress
Location: north west France

French connection: After 1,300 years, there’s a bridge to Mont Saint-Michel

 프랑스 서남부의 몽생미셸섬 연결 코즈웨이는 현재 공사 중에 있다.

북부 프랑스 노르망디 해안에 위치한 코뮌인 섬이다. 프랑스 북서부 해안에서 약 1km 떨어져 위치한다. 약 100헥타르의 크기에, 44명(2009년)이 거주한다

이 섬은 고대(古代)로부터 전략적 중요성을 가지는 요새들을 가지고 있으며, 8세기 이후로 이 섬의 이름을 딴 수도원이 있다

해안에서 600m밖에 떨어지지 않은 독특한 위치는, 간조기(干潮期)에 육지에서 많은 순례자들이 수도원에 쉽게 접근할 수 있게 만들었다. 천연적 지세에 의해, 이 섬은 백년전쟁의 대부분 기간 동안 불파(不破)의 요새로 남아 있었다

프랑스의 가장 유명한 랜드마크 중 하나인 몽생미셸은 유네스코가 선정한 세계문화유산이다.[3] 또한 매년 3백만 이상이 방문한다. - wiki참조-

Ki Chul Hwang 황기철 

Conpaper Editor 콘페이퍼 에디터

The ugly causeway is being dismantled, an elegant connection erected in its place. So everyone’s happy, right? John Lichfield discovers an undercurrent of dissent in historic Normandy, reports http://www.independent.co.uk/ today.

A few days ago, when tides were high on the Norman coast, something wonderful happened. The most celebrated small island in the world became a real island for the first time in more than a century. Or almost an island.

An ugly causeway built in the 19th century will be dismantled this winter. In future, the only access to the Mont, the most-visited tourist site in France outside Paris, will be an elegant, low, curving bridge which opened to pedestrians this summer.

Over the past four years, the “maritime restoration” project, especially the banishing of the car parks, has generated civil lawsuits, criminal proceedings, strikes by the abbey staff, allegations of mistreatment of animals, criticism by the French government’s financial watchdog and formal protests to the United Nations cultural organisation, UNESCO.

Website : Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway



Le Mont-Saint-Michel Causeway
Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway

“Mont St-Michel derives all its strength from the landscape in which it stands erect, as the only point of intensity in the infinite flatness of the sands, neither truly an island nor really a peninsula. The one imperative of the project was not to disturb the spirit of the place in connection with this ambiguous status and the lack of landmarks or scale. Visitors must continue to be lost in contemplation. Their walk is a place for sensations, for becoming immersed in the immensity of it all. The approach is as much a trip as a stop; it has to take a little time to get to this ‘somewhere else’ lost in the distance on the marine horizon.

Le Mont-Saint-Michel bridge & footbridge proposal:
Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway
images : Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes


This interpretation of the site led us to opt for total horizontality and to go for as delicate a design as possible. The access structure comprising two sequences one after the other – the causeway and the jetty – draws across the landscape a completely flat line, which on crossing the Couesnon, is carried on in an extremely simple thin blade borne by a set of posts in close succession. The rhythm introduced by the piers starting from the bed of the Couesnon is actively involved in the idea of insularity; they express the intermittent presence of the sea at their foot. At high tide, the structure’s outline is reflected in the water. The structure’s horizontality is emphasized through the repetitiveness of the graceful piers.

From the mainland to the Mont, the structure’s overall geometry forms a continuous, flowing movement. The bridge slowly pulls out eastwards and then sweeps around in the other direct from the start of the jetty, opening up vistas across the bay and Tombelaine Rock. The Mont comes gradually into view, in a sequence-length shot taking in the whole bay. The outline is held by the outer curve, with no breaks due to the variations in breadth. Very gradual adjustments lend fluidity to the line of the bridge over the sands.

The structure is minimal in its expression, but ambitious in its design and performance. It is a piece of high performance engineering that unostentatiously handles the forces on it.”

Dietmar Feichtinger, Architect for the access structure

By 2014, the shuttles will be going to the Mont-Saint-Michel on a new causeway (length 1,085 metres) followed by a bridge (760 metres over water) before landing on an earth plateform at the bottom of the mount (120 metres).

It’s only a few hours per year, during very high tides, that the Monument will be completed surrounded by the water. Starting in 2011, these works are planned to be completed by 2014.

At the moment one hundred of 142 piles are already set in the bay. The prefabrication of one part of the deck in concrete is on the way. 100 pieces from 257 are produced. The ‘putting on’ bridge starts in mid-November and will last for 4 months.

Le Mont-Saint-Michel Causeway Le Mont-Saint-Michel Bridge Le Mont-Saint-Michel Causeway Bridge Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway
Le Mont-Saint-Michel Causeway Le Mont-Saint-Michel Bridge Le Mont-Saint-Michel Causeway Bridge Le Mont-Saint-Michel New Causeway
photos : Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

Le Mont redevient une ile

Un regard sur l’avancement des travaux


Une centaine de pieux sur 142 sont realises La base de la culee sud est realisee, la base de la culee nord sera demarrera la semaine prochaine.
La charpente metallique des 4 troncons a ete posee, les soudures et la pose de la partie du troncon 5 sont en cours. Mi-novembre, la pose de charpente continuera depuis l’extremite nord de l’ouvrage.

La prefabrication des dalles beton pour les voies est en cours (100 dalles de fabrique sur 257), en cours de sechage. La pose des dalles sur la charpente commence mi-novembre sur 4 mois environ.

Le prechargement de la route est en cours. Il permet d’accelerer les tassements du terrain sous l’ouvrage. Dechargement prevu selon resultats des verifications geometriques, au plus tard dans 6 mois.

Fin des travaux prevue pour la premiere moitie 2014


Le Mont-Saint-Michel Bridge – Building Information

Project: Pont-Passerelle menant au Mont-Saint-Michel / Bridge and footbridge to Mont-Saint-Michel
Address: Manche (50) – Normandie 50116 LE MONT SAINT-MICHEL
client: Syndicat mixte pour le retablissement du caractere maritime du Mont-Saint-Michel 2, rue Prieure F-50170 Ardevon
Client address : Baie du Mont Saint Michel
Architect: Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes
Competition: Rupert Siller, Christian Schmolz, Ulrike Plos, Gabriel Augier, Barbara Feichtinger-Felber, Michael Felder, Wolfgang Juen, Paul-Eric Schirr-Bonnans, Frank Hinterleithner, Frederic Benji Texte: Armelle Lavalou
Project team leader: Dietmar Feichtinger, Jose-Luis Fuentes
Project Team: Christian Wittmeir, Guy Deshayes, Mathias Neveling
Construction site: Jose-Luis Fuentes, Mathias Neveling
Engineering firm: SBP Stuttgart
Longueur total 1 813 m
Pont-passerelle pour pietons et navettes
Digue 889 m
Jetee 924 m

Time Schedule:
Selection of the participants For the competition: 28 Jun 2001
Competition: 31 Jan 2002 ; Jury 1 Mar 2002
Start of planning: 2003
Start of construction: 2011

Le Mont-Saint-Michel Causeway images / information from Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

edited by kcontents

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