영국 런던 테임즈강 '라인엘름~핌리코' 교량 설계 경기 Nine Elms and Pimlico Bridge Competition

Nine Elms and Pimlico Bridge Competition
Wandsworth River Thames Crossing Development, London, UK – Design Contest Images
17Mar 2015

영국 런던 테임즈강에 건설될 교량 설계 경기

New Nine Elms and Pimlico Bridge Competition News
Shortlist unveiled for Nine Elms to Pimlico Bridge Competition

Wandsworth Council has revealed the four design teams to have made it through to the second stage of the Nine Elms to Pimlico bridge competition.

The high profile contest had attracted 74 entries with each team submitting a rival proposal for a new pedestrian and cycle link across the Thames.

원즈워드시는 설계경기 2단계를 통과한 4개의 설계사를 선정했다.
이 설계 공모에는 총 74개의 설계팀이 참여했다.

The successful teams are (alphabetical order): 4개의 설계사
Buro Happold Limited – with Marks Barfield Architects, J&L Gibbons Landscape Architects, Gardiner and Theobald

Bystrup Architecture Design and Engineering – with Robin Snell & Partners, Sven Ole Hansen ApS, Aarsleff and AF Lighting

Nine Elms Pimlico Bridge Shortlist

Ove Arup & Partners Ltd – with AL_A, Gross Max, Equals Consulting and Movement Strategies

Nine Elms Pimlico Bridge Shortlist

Ove Arup & Partners Ltd with – Hopkins Architects and Grant Associates

Nine Elms Pimlico Bridge Shortlist

The finalists were unanimously selected by the competition’s jury panel which includes Wandsworth Council leader Ravi Govindia, Lambeth councillor Joanne Simpson, architect Graham Stirk, engineer Henry Bardsley and chair of Cabe at Design Council Pam Alexander.

In coming to their decision the panel considered feedback from more than 1,000 people who responded to the stage one public exhibitions, as well as detailed technical assessments for each proposal.

The next stage of the competition will see the shortlisted teams develop their initial ideas into detailed designs.

Wandsworth Council expects to announce the winning team in late autumn this year. A new bridge would require planning permission before it could be built.

Cllr Ravi Govindia, said: “I want to thank the jury panel and all of the designers who took part and made this such an exciting process. The quality of the submissions went beyond our best expectations and the interest this competition has generated across London has been tremendous.

“Congratulations to our shortlisted teams and I look forward to seeing their initial ideas developed further. The devil will be in the detail and the next stage will show us whether these four highly skilled and innovative design teams can meet the complex challenges this project presents.”

A TfL transport study confirms the Nine Elms to Pimlico bridge has a strong business case and would provide another valuable route through central London to support the shift towards zero emission, sustainable travel options.

A £26million contribution is already identified from the development of Nine Elms and the new design would be used to lever-in further funding. The scheme has the support of the Mayor of London.

The bridge is part of the infrastructure package needed to support growth in Nine Elms and Vauxhall where tens of thousand of new jobs and homes are now being created alongside billions in growth and tax receipts.

The competition is being run by Colander and follows OJEU public sector procurement processes so the successful design team can be appointed to the project.

23 Feb 2015

New Nine Elms and Pimlico Bridge Competition News

New Thames Bridge

Images revealed of this new River Thames Crossing.

A new pedestrian and cycle bridge connecting Nine Elms on the South Bank with the historic Pimlico embankment is a key component in the Partnership’s transport development plans.

New Nine Elms and Pimlico Bridge

New Nine Elms and Pimlico Bridge

New Nine Elms and Pimlico Bridge

New Nine Elms and Pimlico Bridge

Transport for London (TfL)’s feasibility study has confirmed the bridge is viable and would be a valuable addition to central London’s transport network. The exact location is yet to be confirmed but the preferred options would land close to the site of the new US Embassy.

In December 2014, Wandsworth Council launched an international competition to design a new bridge between Nine Elms and Pimlico. See the dedicated website www.nepbridgecompetition.co.uk for full details:

Nine Elms and Pimlico Bridge Competition

Once a winning design is revealed in summer 2015 the Partnership will explore a range of funding options which could include sponsorship

Ravi Govindia, leader of Wandsworth Council and co-chair of the Nine Elms Vauxhall Partnership, said:

“This competition is calling for architects from across the globe to come forward with exceptional, inspiring designs for a new bridge at the centre of the world’s greatest city. The successful entry will have to win the hearts of Londoners who are tremendously proud of their river and its rich architectural heritage.

“There are considerable challenges and engineering feats to overcome. The design must work alongside the cutting edge architecture emerging on the south bank as well as the elegant frontages on the north. The landing points on both sides must integrate sensitively with their surroundings and provide a smooth and safe experience for the pedestrian and cyclists who use it.

“This bridge is also a badly needed and valuable piece of infrastructure for London. It has a very strong transport case, will support the city’s growth and has significant funding commitments already in place. Developing an inspiring, beautiful design will allow us to take the project to the next stage and ensure this project comes off the page into reality in a much shorter timeframe.

TfL’s feasibility study suggests the bridge would cost around £40m, providing a car free alternative to Vauxhall or Chelsea Bridges.

A 2-stage design competition is now underway with the winning design due to be announced in summer 2015.

Any design taken forward would need planning approval from Wandsworth and Westminster Councils, and sign off from the Mayor of London, before being built.

View of the River Thames at Nine Elms, looking east:

River Thames at Nine Elms
image : Ballymore Group

Please visit www.nepbridgecompetition.co.uk for further information.

Nine Elms Development

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