물에 타면 술로 변하는 술가루 '팔코올' 미국서 허가 Palcohol: US regulators approve powdered alcohol that can be mixed with water..(VIDEO)

Several US states have voiced concern that the product could be easily abused

물에 타면 술로 변하는 가루 '팔코올' 

edited by kcontents 


물이나 음료에 타면 술로 변하는 술가루 '팔코올'(Palcohol)이 미국에서 시판 허가를 받았다.

12일(현지시간) 미국 애리조나 주에 본사를 둔 립스마크에 따르면 미국 주류담배과세무역청(TTB)은 지난 10일 팔코올의 시판을 승인했다.

이에 따라 팔코올은 연방과 각 주의 주류 관련 법규를 준수하기만 하면 미국에서 합법적으로 판매된다. 

전체기사 본문배너

팔코올을 개발한 마크 필립스와 립스마크는 팔코올을 올해 여름 선보일 예정이며 가격은 아직 결정하지 않았다. 

이번에 승인을 받은 팔코올 제품은 코스모폴리탄, 마가리타, 보드카, 럼을 분말로 만든 것이며, '레몬 드롭'도 승인 절차를 밟고 있다.

팔코올은 사이클로덱스트린(cyclodextrin·당류 분자들이 고리 모양으로 결합한 물질)이 알코올을 흡수하는 성질을 이용해 만든 제품이다.

물 등에 타기만 하면 술이 되기 때문에 보관과 운반이 편리하다는 장점이 있다. 조리 과정에 술이 들어가야 하는 요리를 할 때도 가루를 넣기만 하면 된다.

특히 캠핑 등 야외 활동을 할 때 들고 가기 불편한 술병 대신 팔코올을 들고 가면 간편하게 술을 즐길 수 있게 된다. 

그러나 주류 반입이 금지된 스포츠 경기장, 비행기, 학교 등에 팔코올을 몰래 들고 들어가서 나중에 물을 타서 술로 만들어 마시는 등 악용 사례가 생길지도 모른다는 우려와 논란도 있다. 

(샌프란시스코=연합뉴스) 임화섭 특파원 = solatido@yna.co.kr 

Palcohol: US regulators approve powdered alcohol that can 

be mixed with water, snorted or sprinkled onto cereal 


Andrew Buncombe  New York 

Officials in the US have sparked controversy by approving a powdered alcohol that can be mixed into drinks, snorted or even sprinkled onto food.

Federal regulators last year briefly gave the green light to the makers of Palcohol before changing their decision, saying they should not have done so.

But this week, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau said issues that had been preventing the granting of approval had now been addressed. Spokesman Tom Hogue told the Associated Press that four varieties of Palcohol had been approved.

“This a step forward," Mark Phillips of Lipsmark, the company that makes Palcohol, told The Independent. 

Palcohol has earned federal approval 

Individual US states can regulate the sale of alcohol and several have already announced plans to prevent the sale of Palcohol.

Concerns have included abuse of the product by young people, the potential to snort the powder and whether Palcohol’s portability and light weight would make it easy to sneak alcohol into public events or spike drinks.

Lipsmark's website said Palcohol was the invention of Mr Phillips and that a patent was being sought.

And the reason he came up with the idea?

"Mark is an active guy...hiking, biking, camping, kayaking. After hours of an activity, he sometimes wanted to relax and enjoy a refreshing adult beverage. But those activities, and many others, don't lend themselves to lugging heavy bottles of wine, beer or spirits. The only liquid he wanted to carry was water," says the website.

It adds: "So he thought wouldn't it be great to have alcohol in powder form so all one had to do is add water."

Questioned as to whether or not powder and water could meet the taste test, Mr Phillips replied: "It does not compare to a Cosmopolitan or a Margarita made with liquid alcohol. But it's for when there is no liquid alcohol available. And it does taste good."



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