천국에서의 결혼사진 Beautifully Surreal Wedding Photos Show Couple Walking on Water

마치 물 위를 걷는 듯한 결혼 커플의 꿈 같은 사진

에텐과 헤더 커플은 솔트레이크시에서 결혼식을 끝내고

소금호수로 달려왔다. 영원히 기억될 결혼 사진을 찍기 위해서다.

이 사진들은 볼리비아의 우유니 소금사막과  비슷한 미국 

유타주의 솔트레이크 소금 호수에서 비가 온 후 촬영됐다.

마치 거대한 거울과도 같은 물의 반향이 이 두 커플을 더 아름답게 비춘다.


콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Alice Yoo

We've shown some beautiful wedding photography on My Modern Met before, but this one takes the cake as the most stunningly surreal. When rain covers the ground with water, Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, like the famous Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, gives off the amazing illusion of people walking on water. The reflective surface acts like a giant mirror.

Though couple Ethen and Heather had their wedding in Salt Lake City, they decided to shoot their romantic newlyweds photo session at the Bonneville Salt Flats. The conditions made it a chance of a lifetime for photographer Tony Gambino who claims he had never been more excited about shooting a wedding in his entire career.

As he wrote on his website, "When Ethen & Heather approached me about doing their wedding, I was completely blown away. I have been a fan of Ethen’s work with MTV, Nitro Circus and The Godfrey Clan for a long time! Then, when I found out that we would be able to shoot their portraits at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, I had never been more excited about a wedding in my entire career! We showed up at the salt flats, and I couldn’t believe that we came across an entire section that was covered with water. It was one of the most surreal experiences of my life, the water reflecting the mountains and sunset was incredible. We were all absolutely giddy!"

Tony Gambino's website
via [JuneBug Weddings]

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