세계 최고의 부자 의사 15인 The 15 Richest Doctors in the World

The 15 Richest Doctors in the World

Doctors have always had a reputation as being wealthy and a good catch for any woman. 

While that may not be true for every doctor it is more than true for these doctors. The net worth of these doctors goes to extremes but many of them made their money doing things other than medicine.

의사는 자타가 공인하는 부자직업으로 인정받아왔으며 

여자한테는 매우 매력적인 직업이다.


1) Patrick Soon Shiong

This doctor turned entrepreneur turned philanthropist made his fortune revolutionizing cancer treatment. He is now considered the richest doctor in the world with a net worth closing in on $12 billion. He has put his wealth to good use, helping to fund children’s hospitals and looking for solutions to rising health care costs.

1위는 Patrick Soon-Shiong 박사로 현재 벤처 제약사의 창업주다. 

23세에 의대를 졸업했으며 의료분야 아이디어뱅크이자 진정한 천재로 평가받고 있다. 

그는 현재 73억불( 한화 약 7조6175억5000만원)의 재산을 보유하여 세계최고의 의사 

부자로 15위 146억원과 상당한 격차를 보이고 있

콘페이퍼 에디터


[Full List]


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