중국 최고의 몸무게 보유자, 무려 82kg 감량 China's fattest man loses 13 stone after being humiliated when he was wheeled..(VIDEO)

China's fattest man loses 13 stone after being humiliated when he was wheeled through the streets on a reinforced trolley when he tipped the scales at 35 STONE

Liang Yong had to be transported around as too big for ambulance 

Went on diet after he was officially registered as China's fattest man 

Now he's aiming for a new record of most weight lost in China 

220kg의 중국 최고의 몸무게 보유자 26살의 리앙 용은 무려 82kg나 감량해 

사람들을 놀라게 했다.

앰블런스에 탈 수가 없어 강철로 만든 운반용 기구로 이동하곤 했는데  굴욕감을 

감출 수 없어 감량하기로 마음 먹었다.

그는 태어난 지 3달 만에 10kg, 3살 때는 25kg이나 나갔다.

결국 5년전의 창피스러운 그의 최고 기록(?)을 깨기 위해 다이어트에 돌입했는데

꾸준히 규칙적이고 충분한 운동과 식이요법으로 다이어트에 성공할 수 있었다고

현재는 훨씬 날렵(?)한 138kg이다.


콘페이퍼 에디터


The fattest man in China has lost 13 stone so far in a battle to bring his weight under control.

Liang Yong, 26, was last seen being transported on a steel reinforced trolley to carry his huge weight as he could not fit in an ambulance.

The 26-year-old, who officially weighed in at more than 35 stone, went on a diet after he set the unwelcome record five years ago, The People's Daily reports.

Agile: China's fattest man, Liang Yong, has lost 12 stone in a gradual diet which has seen him drop to 22 stone

Agile: China's fattest man, Liang Yong, has lost 12 stone in a gradual diet which has seen him drop to 22 stone

Couch bound: Liang Yong decided to go on the diet after he got the unwelcome title of China's fattest man five years ago, pictured above

Couch bound: Liang Yong decided to go on the diet after he got the unwelcome title of China's fattest man five years ago, pictured above

He said he wanted to lose the weight gradually and avoid crash diets so his skin would shrink back naturally. 

He said: 'It was not a record to be proud of when I was named the fattest man in China and was told it was officially registered at the Chinese record headquarters in 2007, but now I'm hoping to end up as the man who lost the most weight.' 

Now weighing a comparatively healthy 22 stone, he is happy to get on the hospital scales in Chongqing, south-western China.

Humiliating: When he was at his heaviest of more than 35 stone, Liang Yong was too big for an ambulance and had to be transported to hospital in Chongqing by trolley

He said: 'I concentrated on a healthy diet, and regular exercise as soon as I was able to move well enough.'

Mr Yong said his original weight problem was caused by him being born heavy, weighing in at 11 lbs, and that he had simply continued growing since then.

Unhealthy appetite: Liang Yong has had a problem with his weight all through childhood but is now dieting with the help of a local hospital in China

Unhealthy appetite: Liang Yong has had a problem with his weight all through childhood but is now dieting with the help of a local hospital in China

Big issue: China's fattest man, pictured here in hospital, had to be wheeled in on a reinforced trolley because he was too big for an ambulance

Big issue: China's fattest man, pictured here in hospital, had to be wheeled in on a reinforced trolley because he was too big for an ambulance

 At three months of age, he weighed 1 stone 8lbs; at three he weighted 4 stone 10lbs; at eight 12 stone 8lbs; and by the time he was 14 he weighed 28 stone 4lbs. 

He was taken to a local hospital which agreed to treat him free of charge in order to monitor his progress medically and record data.

Road to recovery: China's fattest man, Liang Young, undergoes an examination as he battled to bring his weight down from 35 stone

Road to recovery: China's fattest man, Liang Young, undergoes an examination as he battled to bring his weight down from 35 stone

Measuring up: China's fattest man, Liang Young, wanted to lose weight after he was given the unwelcome title

Measuring up: China's fattest man, Liang Young, wanted to lose weight after he was given the unwelcome title

The information will be used to help treating other obese patients in a country where the problem of being overweight is fast becoming a serious issue. 


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