카이로의 명물 '오벨리스크 타워' Stunning, Pyramid-Themed Skyscraper Planned for Cairo's Skyline

이집트 카이로의 상징이 될 
높이 200m 오벨리스크(피라미드) 테마 고층빌딩

아직 상세 시행계획은 발표되지 않았지만
이 스카이라인이 완공되면 기자의 최대 피라미드보다 훨씬 
높은 규모가 될 것이라고

고대 이집트의 태양신을 상징하는 돌로 된 4각주

Posted by Kelcee Griffis

Egypt’s government has revealed plans to pay tribute to the country’s most famous symbol with a stunning addition to Cairo’s skyline: a skyscraper shaped like a pyramid. Renderings released last week depict a glittering, obelisk-shaped building crowned with an impressive glowing capstone. A second, much shorter pyramid attaches at the obelisk’s base and includes a built-in walkway and cascading fountains.

If all goes according to plan, the tower will be much taller than the Great Pyramid itself, and it will measure as the country’s tallest building. Further details about the proposed development will be spare until Minister of Housing Moustafa Madbouly officially announces the project. In his first public discussion about the building, however, he said its purpose is to boost the city’s job market, economy and landscape. “It is an administrative, commercial and entertainment project as it includes buildings for various purposes, in addition to the unique, 200-meter tower,” says Madbouly.

The Cairo Post
via [dezeen]

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