우아하기 까지한 친환경 수도꼭지 디자인 Magnificent Faucet Swirls Water into Elegant Patterns

누르면 기하학적 패턴으로 물이소용돌이 치게 만드는 친환경 수도꼭지 

소용돌이는 마치 우아한 크리스탈 유리잔을 연상케 한다.

런던의 한 학생이 디자인했다.

Posted by Kelcee Griffis

A London student recently designed this conservation-friendly faucet that swirls your water into captivating geometric patterns as soon as you turn on the tap. The faucet weaves small jets of water into intricate, cross-hatched designs that look like they belong on delicate crystal glassware. The faucet head is a simple, minimalistic curve, making the designs it spouts out all the more delightful.

In addition to the faucet’s pleasing aesthetic, it also makes conserving water feel elegant and effortless. The designer, London Royal College of Art student Simin Qiu, created the faucet to use up to 15 percent less water than traditional faucets. Given the unusual and creative design and its positive impact on the environment, this fixture is anything but mainstream.

via [Yanko DesignInhabitat]


