푸틴 정적 '넴초프' 피살사건 본격 수사 나서 Shot in the Kremlin's shadow: Russian opposition leader gunned...(VIDEO)
Shot in the Kremlin's shadow: Russian opposition leader gunned down in 'politically-motivated attack in front of his 23-year-old Ukrainian model girlfriend'
Politician Boris Nemtsov, 55, was one of Vladimir Putin's fiercest critics
He was shot four times in 'politically motivated' attack near Kremlin
Nemtsov was walking over bridge with Ukranian model Anna Duritskaya, 23
Russian opposition leader had been due to take part in protest tomorrow
He had been working on report about Russia's involvement in Ukraine
Hours before death he condemned Putin's 'mad and deadly' policy of war
Father-of-four's mother, 87, had a premonition that he would be killed
Putin condemned murder, saying it may have been 'contract killing'
Hundreds of mourners have lit candles and laid flowers at site of murder
World leaders including David Cameron have condemned 'callous murder'
러시아 수사당국이 야권 지도자 보리스 넴초프(55) 전(前) 부총리의 피살사건 수사에 본격적으로 나섰다. 인테르팍스 통신 등은 28일(현지시간) 수사당국이 사건 발생 직후인 이날 새벽 넴초프의 자택을 수색해 컴퓨터 하드웨어와 메모지 등 수사단서를 확보했다고 보도했다. 또 사건현장 주변의 CCTV를 분석해 사건 당시 흰색 차량 3대가 지나간 것을 확인하고 이들 자동차의 행적과 소유주 파악에 힘을 쓰고 있다. 수사당국이 사건 직후 이처럼 발 빠르게 움직이고 있지만, 현재 용의차량의 번호판이 정확히 확인되지 않고 당국이 신중한 수사를 위해 넴초프 주변인들 진술도 참고할 계획이어서 진상 규명에는 어느 정도 시일이 걸릴 것으로 보인다. 앞서 블라디미르 푸틴 대통령은 이번 사건을 청부살인이자 도발일 가능성이 큰 것으로 보고 중대 범죄를 담당하는 연방수사위원회, 정보기관인 연방보안국 등의 수장들이 사건을 직접 챙기라고 지시했다. 이런 가운데 러시아를 비롯해 우크라이나에서도 넴초프를 추모하는 발길이 이어지고 있다. 사건현장과 키예프 주재 러시아 대사관 앞에는 그를 추모하는 의미로 촛불과 꽃이 쌓이고 있으며 페트로 포로셴코 우크라이나 대통령은 사건 직후 "믿을 수 없다. 넴초프는 우크라이나의 훌륭한 친구였다"며 그의 죽음을 애도했다고 리아노보스티 통신이 전했다. 넴초프는 푸틴 대통령에 반대하는 야권 운동을 이끌어온 대표적 반정부 인사다. 보리스 옐친 대통령 시절 제1부총리까지 지낸 그는 푸틴 정권의 권위주의와 부패, 경제 실책 등을 신랄하게 비판해 왔다. 그는 전날 저녁 모스크바 크렘린궁에서 불과 200m 정도 떨어진 곳에서 차량에 탄 괴한 총격에 사망했다.
(알마티=연합뉴스) 김현태 특파원 |
Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was gunned down in a 'politically motivated' attack in front of his 23-year-old Ukrainian model girlfriend, according to reports.
The former deputy Prime Minister, 55, and fierce critic of Vladimir Putin was 'under surveillance' by his killers before he was shot in the shadow of the Kremlin the day before an anti-Putin protest.
He had been out for dinner with Anna Duritskaya, 23, at a restaurant inside GUM, a department store in Moscow's Red Square in the hours before his death, and the pair then went for a walk.
The married father-of-four was shot four times by assailants in a white car as the couple walked across a bridge over the Moskva River at midnight on Friday but the 23-year-old model was unhurt.
'The murderers knew Nemtsov's route, he was spied on,' said a police source.
He had been working on a report presenting evidence he believed proved Russia's direct involvement in the separatist rebellion that erupted in eastern Ukraine last year.
Just hours before his death, Nemtsov told Ekho Moskvy radio that Putin had pushed Russia into an economic crisis through his 'mad, aggressive and deadly policy of war against Ukraine.'
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Leading Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was shot dead on a bridge in central Moscow at just after midnight on Friday, pictured (centre) is a body bag with the Kremlin in the background

Nemtsov, 55, (right) had been out for dinner with his Ukranian model girlfriend Anna Duritskaya, 23, (left) in the hours before his death. The couple had been dating for several years, according to reports

The father-of-four was shot four times by assailants in a white car as he walked across a bridge over the Moskva River

Medics carry the body of Nemtsov. The politician was highly critical of the government's inefficiency, rampant corruption and the Kremlin's policy on Ukraine, which has strained Russia-West ties to a degree unseen since Cold War times

Nemtsov, seen here in December 2011 speaking at a rally against the parliament elections, was a fierce critic of Vladimir Putin

Hundreds of mourners have gathered to lay flowers and light candles at the spot Nemtsov was shot dead
President Putin has condemned the murder and assumed 'personal control' of the investigation into the killing, said his spokesman Dmitry Peskov.
Mr Peskov, said the shooting could also be a 'provocation' as the opposition has planned a big protest in Moscow on Sunday.
The Russian leader has asked the heads of Russia's Investigative Committee, Interior Ministry and Federal Security Service to investigative and put the case under their personal supervision.
David Cameron has said he is 'shocked and sickened by the callous murder' and called for a transparent investigation.
Nemtsov was one of the organisers of the Spring March opposition protest set for Sunday, which comes amid an economic downturn in Russia caused by low oil prices and Western sanctions.
The liberal reformer, who has four children, is believed to have been dating was Ms Duritskaya for several years, despite his marriage to Raisa Akhmetovna and four-children.
Opposition activist Ilya Yashin told Ekho Moskvy radio he had no doubt that Mr Nemtsov's murder was politically motivated.
An unidentified assassin shot Mr Nemtsov (above, in 2010 at an anti-Kremlin march) four times while he was walking with a woman near the Kremlin, according to Russian-language news website Meduza

A man mourns as he lays flowers at the site of murder of Boris Nemtsov in central Moscow

The married father-of-four was shot four times by assailants in a white car as the couple walked across a bridge over the Moskva River

Russian opposition leaders Ilya Yashin (left) and Ksenia Sobchak (right), soon after the death of Nemtsov. Yashin told Ekho Moskvy radio that he last spoke with Nemtsov two days before the killing
He said: 'Boris Nemtsov was a stark opposition leader who criticised the most important state officials in our country, including President Vladimir Putin.
'As we have seen, such criticism in Russia is dangerous for one's life. He got lots of threats, mostly via social networks, anonymously.
'I have no doubt this was a political killing. The only threat to his life came from his political activity. He had no foes other than political ones.'
Nemtsov's death came one year after the Russian annexation of Crimea in a special operation by Russian special forces. The politician was a strong and outspoken critic of Putin's policy on Ukraine
Just hours earlier, Putin had declared 27 February a new 'professional holiday' for special operation soldiers in his armed forces and secret services.
Political analyst Sergey Parkhomenko alluding to this new holiday said that Nemtsov's killing was carefully planned and a 'present' for someone.
'There is a war going on here. If someone thinks otherwise... we're now living in a country that is fully-fledged in a war.'
'Nemtsov's murder is a terrible tragedy for Russia,' said ex-finance minister Alexei Kudrin, a Putin ally.
Britain has said it will follow closely investigations into the killing.
Prime Minister, David Cameron, said: 'I am shocked and sickened by the callous murder of Boris Nemtsov as he walked in the heart Moscow last night.
'This despicable act must be fully, rapidly and transparently investigated, and those responsible brought to justice.
'Boris Nemtsov was a man of courage and conviction. His life was dedicated to speaking up tirelessly for the Russian people, to demanding their right to democracy and liberty under the rule of law, and to an end to corruption.
'He did so without fear, and never gave in to intimidation. He was greatly admired in Britain, not least by his friend Lady Thatcher, who visited him in Russia and who would have been appalled by today's news. The courage of Nemtsov's life contrasts with the utter cowardice of his murder.
'I extend my condolences to Boris Nemtsov's family and friends. The Russian people have been deprived of a champion of their rights. Boris Nemtsov is dead. But the values he stood for will never die.'
US President Barack Obama has also condemned the 'brutal murder', the White House National Security Council said tonight on Twitter.
The White House called on the Russian government to conduct a 'prompt, impartial and transparent investigation' and to 'ensure those responsible are brought to justice.'
People light candles and lay flowers at the site where Nemtsov was shot while walking across a bridge over the Moskva River

A woman mourns for the loss of the former deputy prime minister and vocal critic of Vladimir Putin

Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev (centre) is shown the place where Nemtsov was killed in central Moscow

Police cars blocked the street where Nemtsov was shot, and an ambulance was also nearby
Obama said he met Nemtsov in Moscow in 2009 when the Russian was willing to 'share his candid views with me'.
'We offer our sincere condolences to his family and to the Russian people, who have lost one of the most dedicated and eloquent defenders of their rights,' he said.
Police cars blocked the street where Nemtsov was shot, and an ambulance was also nearby.
'Nemtsov B.E. died at 2340 hours as a result of four shots in the back,' an Interior Ministry spokeswoman said.
Nemtsov, 55, first gained an international profile after being spotted by former British premier Margaret Thatcher as a future leader of Russia, and she praised his market reforms after visiting Nizhny Novgorod where as governor in the early 1990s he led spearheaded reforms.
Later he rose to become deputy prime minister under Boris Yeltsin, but he was always opposed as too Western and liberal by hardliners.
He had angered the government two years ago when he charged that billions of dollars had been stolen from funds designated for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, his home town.
He blamed 'Putin's friends' for the alleged embezzlement, which he described as 'a real threat to Russia's national security.'
Putin's former premier Mikhail Kasyanov, now an opposition leader, said: 'The comments are very easy: the bastards.
'They killed my friend in Moscow city centre, near the Kremlin wall.'

Nemtsov had publicly expressed concerns for his life earlier this month and was outspoken in his opposition to Putin, pictured at a media rally in Moscow in 2012
President Putin meets the leaders of the State Duma lower house of parliament, including Boris Nemtsov (far right) in 2002

Nemtsov and Putin discuss the prospects of administrative reform at the Kremlin in July 2000

Boris Nemtsov (right) with Presidents Boris Yeltsin (centre) of Russia and Geidar Aliyev of Azerbaijan (left) after a signing ceremony for a basic treaty of friendship, cooperation and security in the Kremlin in July 1997

'Boris Nemtsov was a stark opposition leader who criticised the most important state officials in our country, including President Vladimir Putin,' said opposition activist Ilya Yashin
He warned: 'This is a demonstration for all of us, for all open-minded people of Russia. How freedom of speech is finished in today's Russia.
'Could we have imagined an opposition leader killed by the Kremlin wall yesterday? We couldn't. The country is rolling to the abyss. It is terrible.'
His death was 'payback for the fact that Boris consistently, for many, many years fought for Russia to be a free democratic country.'
Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev warned against jumping to conclusions.
'Certain forces will try to use the killing to their own advantage. They are thinking how to get rid of Putin,' he said.
Another key opposition figure Vladimir Ryzhkov said: 'I'm absolutely shocked. It's the first case of political murder in many years, a slaying of a politician of federal level.'
The killing was an 'extraordinary, shocking event.'
He said that 'political responsibility for what happened is with the authorities.'
Nemtsov had publicly expressed concerns for his life earlier this month and was outspoken in his opposition to Putin.
He was highly critical of the government's inefficiency, rampant corruption and the Kremlin's policy on Ukraine, which has strained Russia-West ties to a degree unseen since Cold War times.

The former research officer of the Gorky Radiophysical Research Institute with his daughter Zhanna in 1986

Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin (left) and his first Vice Premier Nemtsov during a visit to Krasnoyarsk

Mourners laying flowers at the site where former Russian deputy Prime Minister was shot dead
He helped organise street protests and wrote extensively about official corruption. He had been due to take part on Sunday in the first big opposition protest in months in the Russian capital.
Ironically, hours earlier, Putin had declared 27 Febrary a new 'professional holiday' for special operation soldiers in his armed forces and secret services.
Political analyst Sergey Parkhomenko alluding to this new holiday said that Nemtsov's killing was carefully planned and a 'present' for someone.
'There is a war going on here. If someone thinks otherwise... we're now living in a country that is fully-fledged in a war.'
'Nemtsov's murder is a terrible tragedy for Russia,' said ex-finance minister Alexei Kudrin, a Putin ally.
Nemtsov's 87 year old mother Dina had had a premonition that her son would be killed.
He told earlier this month how his mother warned him: 'When will you stop cursing Putin? He'll kill you for that.'
'She was completely serious,' said Nemtsov, who admitted he was 'somewhat worried'.
The assassination also comes after Nemtsov criticised Putin in the Financial Times on Thursday.
The politician had said residents he met in a town northeast of Moscow had complained about the country's economic problems.
He added: 'They believed that the embargo on imported foods is America's fault, and they were surprised when I told them no, that was not Obama, it was Putin.
'This is what we need to make people aware of: the crisis, that's Putin.'
Mikhail Kasyanov, a former Russian prime minister now also in opposition, said he was shocked by the murder.
Nemtsov studied physics at State University of Gorky and earned a PhD in Physics and Mathematics, pictured during his time studying
'In the 21st century, a leader of the opposition is being demonstratively shot just outside the walls of the Kremlin!' Kasyanov told reporters as Nemtsov's body was placed in a plastic bag.
'The country is rolling into the abyss.'
Kasyanov said the rally organisers decided that instead of the planned demonstration on Moscow's southeastern outskirts, they will stage a demonstration in the centre of the capital to commemorate Nemtsov.

Mourners line the bridge in central Moscow where the charismatic politician was killed
The murdered politician was known as an economic reformer during his time as governor of one of Russia's biggest cities, Nizhny Novgorod.
Political analyst Stanislav Belkovsky told the radio station that he did not believe that Mr Nemtsov's death would in any way serve Mr Putin's interests.
'But the atmosphere of hatred towards alternative thinkers that has formed over the past year, since the annexation of Crimea, may have played its role,' he said, referring to the surge of intense and officially endorsed nationalist discourse increasingly prevalent in Russia since it annexed Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula.
Nemtsov, who was Deputy Prime Minister of Russia from 1997 to 1998 during Boris Yeltsin's presidency, was sentenced to 15 days in jail in January 2011 after being arrested at a New Year's Eve protest rally for 'disobedience towards police'.
One of Russia's most prominent opposition leaders, he was among 68 people arrested at an unsanctioned rally at a central Moscow square.
Nemtsov and other protesters had gathered on the opposite side of the square from an authorised protest.
He was sentenced for failure to follow police orders, the state news agency RIA Novosti reported at the time.
A year ago, Putin had predicted a high profile opposition killing, claiming his deeply divided foes would kill on of their own number.

British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook ((left) and former Russian Vice-Premier Nemtsov meeting in Moscow
'They are looking for a so-called sacrificial victim among some prominent figures,' said Putin. 'They will knock him off, I beg your pardon, and then blame the authorities for that.'
Nemtsov hit back at Putin for the statement, declaring:
'If the head of the federal government, who controls all intelligence agencies, makes a public statement that he has information about such a provocation and such a crime, he must do everything to prevent it and not just publicly scare Russians.'
He warned: 'If the authorities fail to do everything to prevent such a scenario,' Nemtsov said then, 'they will become accomplices in this grave crime being plotted.'
Nemtsov had accused Putin of turning Russia back to the Cold War.
'He believes that everything he did was absolutely right... he is not critical about himself at all. He says that he is right and the world is wrong. Sometimes I believe that he is mad,' he said.
When he died he was allegedly preparing to reveal evidence in a report entitled 'Putin, War' of Russia's direct involvement in the Ukrainian crisis.
Sergei Mitrokhin, leader of the opposition Yabloko party, called the killing an 'act of political terrorism'.
'This is a challenge not just to the opposition but to the leadership of the country.'
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