나이테가 살아있는 멋진 LP 턴테이블 Beautiful Naturalistic Turntables Made from Black Walnut Trees

나무를 잘라 나이테가 살아있는 멋진 LP 턴테이블 

켄트 월터가 아버지와 함께 디자인해 만들었다.

Posted by Kelcee Griffis 

These beautiful turntables are made from cross-sections of trees, turning state-of-the-art hardware and black walnut wood into rustic record players. The creative, minimalistic designs are produced by Kent Walter and his father through their Seattle-based company, Silvan Audio Workshop. The pair recently started selling the products and raising money for workshop upgrades through a Kickstarter fundraising campaign. They’re sending turntables to supporters who offer $750 pledges.

The record players, with feature transparent glass platters to show off the rich wood bases, are intended to be conversation starters. To the creators, intriguing design matters just as much as sound quality. “The music that we like is unique, it’s got life, it’s distinctive,” Walter says. “We think that the things we play it on should be the same way.”

Silvan Audio Workshop Kickstarter
via [Laughing Squid]


